Chapter 4

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Author's note:
I've decided to post this chapter a little earlier! Y/N isn't in this chapter, but she will be in the next one. I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 1.9k
Warning: Human trafficking and loss of memory

Severus is pacing around in his living room, anxiously waiting for his friends to show up. He truly hopes that they can help him figure out what in Merlin's name is happening to him!

Lopsy brews him a cup of tea to calm him down. He takes a sip and sighs. It helps a little with his nerves.

Finally, he hears a knock from outside. "Lopsy will open the door!" the house elf states before running towards the door. She quickly opens it as the guests walk inside the house.

"Lucius, Narcissa, Minerva and Potter, finally- Wait a minute... Potter?" Severus questions, looking at the boy suspiciously. Why in Merlin's name is he here? He's quite sure that he didn't ask for his presence.

Harry crosses his arms. "I was talking with Professor McGonagall when Lopsy told her to come here. It sounded urgent, so I figured you could use my help, too" he explains.

Severus rolls his eyes. "I suppose the more the merrier..." he mutters.

"So, what do you need our help with, Severus? I have just the thing if you need the perfect bubble bath-" Lucius starts enthusiastically before Severus stops him.

"I don't need a bubble bath, Lucius! This is serious!" he exclaims, crossing his arms.

Narcissa gives him a worried look. "What is it, Severus?" she asks.

He sighs. "I'll tell you everything... Why don't you sit down?" he suggests, gesturing to the couch. The four of them slowly nod as they sit down, waiting patiently for him to tell what happened.

He tells them everything - how he went for a walk in Muggle London only to end up in a sketchy place. He tells them about the creepy Muggle man who dragged him to the old car wash building where he showed him the women.

At this, all of them look disgusted and horrified. Potter looks like he's actually about to throw up. Just as Severus is about to warn him not to throw up on the carpet, Lopsy gets ahead of him and is ready with a bucket in case the boy needs it.

Clearing his throat, Severus continues. He tells them about the girl... Y/N Y/L/N. How he bought her in order to save her.

Lucius instantly looks intrigued by the mention of the girl. "Is she still here? Did you two-" he rambles on before Minerva tells him to be quiet and let Severus talk.

Severus rolls his eyes at Lucius. "Thank you, Minerva" he mutters before continuing.

He finally tells them about the pain... Whenever the girl tries to leave the house, his whole body is in pain. And when she returns, the pain is gone in an instant.

That leaves his friends puzzled. "You are in pain every time she tries to leave? That is strange... I must admit I have never heard anything like that before" Minerva says, looking confused.

"Neither have I" Harry says, looking confused as well.

Narcissa sighs. "I haven't either. It surely sounds like dark magic" she states.

Lucius nods. "Indeed, I agree with my wife... You mentioned a contract, Severus. May I see it?" he asks.

Nodding, Severus searches his pockets only to find nothing. Raising an eyebrow, he tries to think of where he could have put it. He then widens his eyes in realisation.

Lonely Man (Severus Snape x Muggle! reader)Where stories live. Discover now