Chapter 7

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Author's note:
There's only one chapter left🥲 I hope you enjoy! Also, it's Christmas soon! Merry Christmas🎅🏻

Word count: 1.9k
Warning: Mentions of dying and scars

It's been a few weeks since Y/N's attempted escape. She hasn't tried it again after Lopsy stopped her and begged her to stay, but she must admit that she has thought about it... She has been here for almost a month now! Will she ever leave this place?! What does he want?!

In the living room, Severus is frustrated too. When will they find Bellatrix and lift this curse?! He hasn't been outside for a really long time... Neither has the girl.

Noticing his paler-than-usual-looking face, Lopsy gets an idea. "Why don't Master and Mistress Y/N go for a walk together?" the elf suggests.

At that, Severus raises an eyebrow. "We can't do that, Lopsy, and you know it. The girl will just try to escape, it's her perfect chance to do so" he points out.

Knowing the girl promised she wouldn't try to leave again, Lopsy smiles at him. "Lopsy will talk to Mistress Y/N so Mistress Y/N won't leave! Lopsy begs Master to give it a chance" she says, looking at him with her puppy eyes.

He sighs. Not the puppy eyes... "Fine" he mutters. He will probably regret this later...

Squealing with happiness, Lopsy hurries upstairs. As she does so, he can't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. She obviously likes the girl, and the girl clearly likes her... Maybe Lopsy can actually make her promise not to escape? He shrugs the thought off, thinking that's not very likely.

Meanwhile, Y/N hears a knock on her door. She hopes that it's Lopsy and not him...

"Come in" she says. To her relief, it's Lopsy who enters the room.

"Hi, Lopsy" she says, smiling.

"Hello, Mistress Y/N! Lopsy has noticed that Master and Mistress Y/N haven't been outside for a very long time, so Lopsy thought that Master and Mistress Y/N could go for a walk together!" the creature states happily.

Y/N's smile instantly falters. She has to go on a walk with him? "I don't know..." she mutters.

When Lopsy looks at her with her puppy eyes, she laughs. "Okay, fine, fine. And don't worry, I won't try to escape. But I can't promise to enjoy the walk" she says.

Lopsy jumps up and down. "Lopsy thanks Mistress Y/N!" she exclaims. Chuckling at her excitement, the two of them walk down the stairs.

Severus clears his throat. "Well... Shall we?" he reluctantly suggests. Sighing, Y/N slowly nods as the two of them leave the house.

He holds the door for her. "Thank you" she mutters.

As they leave Spinner's End, Lopsy jumps up and down again. "Lopsy's plan will work! Lopsy knows it!" she says in a confident tone before starting to clean the house.

While the house elf gets to work, Y/N and Severus walk around a wooded area in an awkward silence. They both don't know what to say... Should they say anything at all?

After a while, Y/N's can't stand the silence. "So... This is a nice area. Do you often take a walk here?" she asks.

Surprised to hear her talking to him, Severus covers it up by clearing his throat. "Yes... I walk here whenever I need to clear my mind, which is quite often" he tells her.

"I see... What do you like to do besides going for a walk?" she asks him. She might as well try to get to know him... She clearly has to be here for a long time.

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