Chapter 3

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After our lecturer stops his discussion, I stood up and immediately froze up then closed my eyes, my head suddenly spins like a tornado and it hurts! I grunt from the slight pain then mentally sigh as it slowly subsides.

"Fuck this headache!" I huff angrily as I stomped my feet away from our classroom. "I will not heal those fuckers, again! Tch!"

I made my way toward the cafeteria, expecting that maybe no one will be there because it is past almost 40 minutes already but how am I wrong! They still have, not many but not a few either group of students. I mentally grunt. Where can I go without so much noise and people? Dammit! Their noises hurt my head even more. Argh!

With a gloomy expression, I decided to walk down the hallway where the library and the dispensary were both located. My feet stop in the middle, contemplating which room should I take. The library is quiet but I doubt there are no fucking gossipers out there again. My deep black orb eyes landed on the door of the dispensary and without further thinking; opened it.

There is no person inside when I walked in so I just slump my body and ached head on the bed, moving the curtain to closed as I put my arm above my eyes to let myself sleep peacefully. But the peacefulness that I knew I achieved didn't even last that long when suddenly the door of the dispensary opens. I peek under my arms and saw on the clock that the peacefulness I want only lasted for about four minutes. I grunt under my breath. Whoever could this be, deserves to die!

But maybe a while had passed the person who opens the door didn't even make such irritating noises, instead, it was humming a sweet lullaby that made my body feel at ease as if it is levitating me through the bed sheets. The voice was calming and angelic and I can listen to this all day and all night. Then suddenly I hear the curtain open, hearing a sweet feminine voice.

"Oh? Didn't feel you there. Are you here for that long?" I hear her ask but I didn't respond, just still pretending to be asleep. She pokes my arm which is covering my eyes. "Are you asleep? Hm? Maybe he wants to rest or something?" Then the bell rings, indicating the next class will be starting.

"Oh! The next class will start soon, do I wake him up? Or just let him be? What should I do~?"

I stop my lips to not smile and just let it smile from the inside. The sounds she makes when she starts her little monologue give me this ease feeling that is completely foreign but still acceptable. It's adorable to hear. I feel another poke on my arm and her low whispered voice echoes through my ear.

"Excuse me, you need to wake up. The class will be starting-" her voice suddenly cuts off when the door of the dispensary unexpectedly opens with a bang.

"-wake up, Sky! Stop slacking-oh? Who are you?" I can hear footsteps echoing near my senses and I feel them stop just beside the bed where I am still pretending to be asleep. "I didn't see your face here that often. Who are you? What are you doing hovering at this heaven?" Death's interrogation voice bombarded her with questions that wants me to smack the shit out of him. Like bro, chill!

"He-heaven?" I hear her confused voice and imagine her tilting her head to the side. Adorable~

I hear Death click his tongue. "Don't make me repeat it myself, answer my goddamn questions" he commands with his usual low cold voice.

"Oh! I-i'm-my-my name... Is"

Death sighs. "Can you speak more clearly and without even stuttering? It's kinda annoying" the demon stated. He's just the cruel living being I know.

"O-okay... My-my name... My name is-"

"You know what, don't even bother to say it. Just answer my question. What are you doing, hovering over Sky?"

Curse Academy: What I Put You Through (slow update)Where stories live. Discover now