Chapter 6

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I sadly sigh. "I never travel without steam buns~" I mumble; whining as I kick the small pebble out of my way as if it is the reason why I don't have my steam buns. I snort. Releasing a forceful breath as I flop my butt to the concrete side of the fountain of the plaza.

My eyes start to roam around the central plaza where you can see people doing something they like. Happy chirping kids. Complete family. Strangers to each other, but still peacefully walking like they're not scared of someone they're socializing with.

I mentally sigh. Why people are carefree? Why they can't be scared of something that might come their way? I sighed looking up at the sky when my sight suddenly captures a kid who stumbled and started crying. I tilt my head when no one comes to her aid, so I approached her, kneeling in front of her.

"Can you stand up?~" I say, making my voice calm as possible to make her not scared by my approach. She looked at me. "Don't worry I will not hurt you" I assured her

She sniffs. "It hurts" pointing to her knee which has a scratch. Its size is where you make a letter 'o' to your pointer finger connecting to your thumb.

It's not that big. I pursed my lips. I can heal that. Agreeing with myself I looked her in the eye assuring her that they will subside in no time, but it stop me when I see that she has this crystalized sight and a red hue nose result of her crying, earlier. I just stare at her cerulean hue eyes as a tear came out of them.

'It's okay. It's just a scratch. We will heal it okay?~'

'But it hurts!~"

'I know, I am here. So, stop crying, I will heal you okay? Does the pain stop?'


"See, you didn't need to cry"


I snapped out of my sudden thought when a finger touches my cheeks. I hum as my eyes land on the little girl who is now looking at me, confused. "What is it?" I ask, still having a calm voice

"Are you hurt, mister? Did you fall too?" She asked tilting her head as she wipe my cheeks. I just smiled at her and then touches my cheek to feel water glide from it. I'm crying? "Your eyes are beautiful, mister~," she says out of nowhere


She sniffs. "Big sis says, you can make people happy if you compliment them. I saw you crying so I say how beautiful your eyes are" she states, fidgeting her fingers

I chuckle. Putting my hands on her head then ruffles it. Whoever her Big Sis is, I swear she's a sweet talker. Mentally shaking my head, I stood up, still my hand laying on top of her head.

I smiled down at her. "Let's heal your wound, okay? Sit at the bench over there" I state as I point towards the bench below the concrete side of the fountain. She nods and then follows my instructions.

"Is it painful, mister?" she asks as a ray of fear of being hurt reflects in her eyes when she sat down. I just smiled, assuring her to lessen her fear.

I shaked my head. "I will make it not painful for you. So, relax your knee as I heal it. Okay?" she nods

I place my hand just above her knee, levitating my hand in the process. I mentally sigh as the green light emerges beneath my hand. Slowly, the scratch on her knee disappears, making it look like there's no scratch in the first place. The smile never leaves my face as my eyes begin to smile as well.

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