Part Six

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Steve went out doing some quick shopping. OJ, Sprite, Tums. Even though Della isn't a teenager anymore it was like a little toy that he thought she would like to bring her some comfort back from her childhood. Some snacks while he waits for her to get better. And a heating pad.

In the check out line the lady who was scanning the items. "A little girl having some troubles huh?" It was an older lady that should be really asking.

Steve let it slide. "Yea."

"Well I'm sure that this will cheer her up. You are a good dad."

Dad... A dad. Something that he always wanted to be. But to soon for him. "Oh uh thanks." Della and Steve had talked about it. Both not ready, but if it did happened, then it did. Handing the lady the money as he walked out, he drove back to Della's place. Opening her door, he always had this fear. Finding her on the floor dying. And that scared him.

Thankfully not seeing any of that. He mixed her drink, plugged in the heating pad. Stirring in her sleep and woke up. Her eyes looked over at the window. "What is happening?"

Placing the heating pad on her stomach. "Your finishing out your last part of your pregnancy." Patting her head too with a wet wash cloth.

"Oh. So it wasn't a dream." She was sad about it, but not too sad. Cause there was nothing she could had done to stop it.

"No baby it wasn't." He felt awful for her. Pale as a ghost. "What I can tell you is that o got you, your favorite mixed drink and a heating pad to help with the cramps."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because that is what you do for someone that you love Della."

"We haven't spoken in months."

"And that is my fault. When you were in need I wasn't there. I'm sorry." Leaving that washcloth on her forehead for a moment.

"Are you mad at me about the weed?"

"Absolutely not. You thought you were having a regular brownie, even if you did know it was weed. Do I believe you could had done something differently? Yes. Do I blame you? No." Holding her hand. "I'm so sorry about the baby. You would had been a wonderful mom."

"Thank you." Closing her eyes tightly as she felt a cramp.

"I'm here. So squeeze my hand if you want too." And that's what she did. He lied down with her, keeping her company. Even if he did went to sleep.

Her head touched his right shoulder as  she went back to sleep. Kiss on the top of her forehead and then he closed his eyes as she listened to the fan.

In Steve's arms he was holding her, thick and thin. It was like the old times. Everything was okay. Peaceful. Not rocky.  Her phone rings... Steve doesn't want to move. What if it's Della's mom.. no why would it be her.. what if it's Bones or Sarah... His free hand searched for the phone as he dare not wake up Della. His raspy voice answered. "Ford residence, Steve speaking."

'Steve! Oh my God! There you are!!!' His mother was shouting. 'I have been calling you. Elizabeth said that you haven't been home. Please tell me that girl hasn't gotten you into anything.'

Clearing his throat. "Mother, now you stop that." He whispers. "I have been taken care of her."

'Why? I thought you told her that'd have nothing to do with her if she went to drugs again. And she was!'

"No mom. Stop. Alex broke up with her in the most worst ways possible. So she's been balling her eyes out."

'Elizabeth has been worried sick about you. Go home to her, right now. You have your own life to live.'

"Mom, I'm asking you one more time please stop."

'You are so stubborn, just like your father. Fine lose Elizabeth. She has been one of the best things that has ever happened to you.'

"I am stubborn, I'll admit to that. And yeah she might had been. I'm not leaving Della. I'll call Elizabeth later today."

'Fine lose her. Lose her for all I care.'

"Goodbye mother." Hanging up the phone Steve turns over facing Della. Holding her close. He didn't care about losing Elizabeth. Elizabeth wasn't right for him anyways. He will break up with her face to face. Even if it ends bad. But it is the rightful thing to do.

"Who was that?" Della mumbles.

"My mother. Nothing to important. Go back to sleep." Cause that is what he'll be doing.

"What did need?" Nuzzling against his neck.

"Wanted to know if I was safe and when was I going home to Elizabeth."

'Elizabeth.' Moving away from him as she sat up. "She's right. I know you want to take care of me. Believe me I do. But you do need to go back to her."

"I know. I don't have to do it now. You need me. And I need you." Letting her move away from him. He didn't want that.

"Yes, she's your girlfriend. I would be jealous if you stayed a night away from me and being with your other friends."

He wanted to smile so badly about that if she was his she would get jealous. Keeping it together, he sat up too. "I'm breaking up with her. She doesn't make me happy. And I'm not breaking up with her because of you. Because it just needs to be done."

"You know that they are both going to be blaming me. Right?"

His hand went on the bottom of her back. "Yes. But I'll tell them both that wasn't it. And if they want to fight me on it, then so it may be."

Nodding her head as she went to the bathroom. After coming out she climbs back into the bed and it was Steve's turn. They both sat in bed.

"A week from tomorrow, why don't you and Billy come and stay at my place?"

"Oh? What's going on from a week?"

"Nothing really. I just want you to be with me? Why? Am I forgetting something?"

"Not that I know of. I just wanted to ask."

"Now thats out of the way. What do you say?"

"Let's see how it goes with your mom and Elizabeth first. Even if I'm still alive." Nudging his shoulder.

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