Part 7

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Of course both was mad at Della, Elizabeth moved on and took her things, while Kelly would drag it on and on. Steve was over it.

"Mom, stop we both agreed that it wasn't working out. It had nothing to do with Della."

'You threw out a chance of being happy. And that's what I want Steve.'

"I am HAPPY mom." Looking at the time, Steve was about to run late. "Sorry mom but I have to go." He hangs up without saying 'I love you' and then went to his production.

After 13 hours of filming and retaking. Steve is exhausted. All he wants to do is be home with Della and Billy. Della opens up a beer since she heard the door jiggling as Billy stood up. "It's only Steve."

Coming in with a bief case as he opens the door. "I'm home."

Out of the kitchen. "Hey." Holding out a beer for him.

"What a long day. Thank you."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Ugh.. it's nothing really. I just wanted to be here with you."

"Well you are now." Kissed his cheek.

"Yes. I have some take out in mind if you don't want to cook." Heads to the living room.

"Well... Sure. What do you have in mind?"

"Whatever you have in mind." He patted a spot on the couch.

Sitting next to Steve as she somewhat snuggled up to him. "Chinese, pizza, Italian." Della was naming off somethings. But he just didn't care. "Alright, if you are not being to picky.. how about Chinese?"

"Is that what you want?"


"Okay. I'll call in a bit later. I just want to relax before I move."

"I can call. Cause I'm getting my usual. Unless if you want something different there?"

Arms went around her lower body. "No. Not yet. I just want to hold you. Please. And then you can order."

Listing to Steve's heart beating as she drapes arm over his stomach. Before anything they both went to sleep on the couch. It was a little late to order. So they just made sandwiches before going to bed.

Waking up around six am, Steve has to go into work early. He hated leaving her in her own for the time being. Leaving to go take a shower. Della woke up to make him eggs toast and some avocado on one piece of toast. Making him some tea and cleaning up the cigarette buds that were finished.

TV turned on to some news as commercial break, Steve comes out fully clothed as picked up his tea cup and sat at the dinning table.

"You going back home to bring stuff back over?"

"Steve you know I cannot move here."

"Why not? If it's about the money, please don't worry. I just don't like the idea about you living by yourself. And if you are too worried about rooms. Don't. Babe I have an extra small room that I can take." Sitting down on the chair.

"I will not do no such thing you invited me to come live with you. If I do choose to live with you." Moving off from the couch.

"No, you are coming to live with me rather you want too or not." Steve stated.

"Okay, even if I do. I'll take the smaller room. Billy and I will make it."

He softly chuckled. "Awe come, why can't we share the same bed, like we have been?"

"Because sir, you just and I mean just became single. I only came up here because of our nightly bowling." She winked. "And yet your mother hasn't stopped calling you about it."

Looking down at his tea cup. "You heard all of that?"

"She was basically screaming in your ear. So yeah. She blames me for everything. I don't know how many times I told her that I am sorry." Billy licks Della's knee cap. As Della sat on the floor. Doing her best to keep other things in mind other than thinking about Kelly.

Steve sat on the floor next to her. "She loves to hold grudges. No matter how long ago they were." Rubbing Dellas back. "Remember when I told you when we were like ten, we were at the movies and she blamed the man who lead the three of us into the wrong movie?" Della nods. "She still blames him till this very day. And I bet you that man is dead." They both laughed. Billy's head was still on Della's lap. "You know what, we can go to movies when I get home."

"But we'll be tried."

"Sure. But I'm with my gal." His head placed onto hers. "I want you to know that as much as I love my mother. I hate the way she treats you."

"I know." Blowing out some air. "I just wish she could see that I'm not the same person who I once was."

"One day she will." Pulling into a hug, Steve held her for awhile. "I'm sorry love, but I do have to go to work."

"I understand." Her thumb brushes against his cheek. Moving away Della took Billy and kissed his head softly before getting up. "Good boy baby. Good boy."

Up off the floor, Steve puts on a coat, facing down at her. "You okay for me leaving?"

"Yes. After you leave, I'll leave too grab a few things."

"Fill up you car. I dont care I want you out of that apartment." Picking up his keys. "Or we can go back packing after I get off of work and then Saturday we can go watch a movie."


"Wonderful." Heading towards the door. "Perfect. I love you and I'll see you soon." He waved as he left the door.

Long drive for Della and Billy, since Della didn't drive that much at all. Della was going to drive down just once and then have Steve drive right back again. Packing up the things that she needed most. Along with hopping that this will be a better out come for the both of them.

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