you're the one for me fanfic (Harry stlyes)

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Beatris is a girl from new york,with long brown locks with a beatufil figure,brown hazel eyes nd has beautiful legs,she's kind anñd an emotional person but never shows it

.she never really had a family her mom died while giving birth to her,so she always blamed the fact that she didn't have a mom was because of herself.

her dad didn't want anythin to do with her.she grew up in foster homes but she didnt stay at one place for more then a year because every foster home she went she was mistreated.

when she was eleven she was brought to mr and mrs steele,they loved her like the daughter they never had she grew up with them but now things changed her foster dad died last year in a truck accident and her foster mom is in the hospital on cancer treatment she has lucimiah which they're gonna cut off if she doesn't have the money to pay for the first stage treatment.

she's gonna do everythng to save the women that loved her,but she didn't know things are gonna change after she met harry styles the guy that is gonna totally fall inlove with her.

Chapter 1
You're fired,he screamed his words ran through my mind over and over again for a minute,can u not hear me he snapped i said you're fired go get your things and get out.plz sir please i need this job for my mother she's on cancer treatment and i wont be able able to pay for the hospital bills without the money.

I cant employ you anymore but I'll recommend you to a friend that i know who owns a hotel.I'll email you the information when i send you your check,my eyes started getting floody with tears before i knew it tears were running down my cheeks,what am i going to do i just lost the only decent job i had that could help with my moms health.i sobbed and politely agreed and went out then started crying on my way home.

I arrived home,went straight to my room undressed and went straight into the shower.I closed my eyes and flasback came to me dad plz dont leave us we need you goerge please,take care of your mom for me promise me,I promise I'll then he's hand fel out of my hand dad ...Noo I screamed reality hits me i was seated on the shower floor while the water ran on my body,i got up dried myself self put on my pajamas the combed my hair and put it into messy bun.walked to the kitchen and boiled water and made strong coffee nd sit on the table and sipped my coffee till the last drop i cleaned up and went straight to bed.

My beeping alarm woke me up I turned it off and picked up my phone and there was an email from my previos boss which had the details and information about the place where i am suppose to go for my job interview 15 blocks from where i stay.Ty warner penthouse one of the most exclusive hotels in new york be there by 07:00 said the email. I checkef my watch it was 05:45 in the morning pop out of bed and went into the shower,got out brushed my teeth got dressed in my bkue jeans with a blue sweater nd put on my allstars and caught my hair into a ponytail,i didn't have to look official since i was just a cleaner so it wasn't a big deal.

I ate breakfast once i finished went out of my apartment.I started walking along with thousands of people working to their work places and traffic is hactic.I walked 10blocks more and i reached my destination 20minutes later.

I found 5 security gaurds instead of a doormen who usually stays there,that's odd I said to i walked towards the door one of the security guards stopped am we need your passing card I dont have a passing card its my first day here i am here for an interview

They called inside for verification,welcome miss steele,sorry for waisting your time i nod they let me in as i enter i head to the receptionist she instructed me to take a sit in the lobby,it was huge with a huge chandelier nd beautiful wall papers.

you're the one for me,Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now