chapter 4

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I found the door open and I went in as I stepped in i saw this 6,5 girl with long legs and beautiful hair curled in long locks  with a very good figure starring at the view,and all i could thing about was how beautiful she was i couldn't wait to see her face so i interrupted her sight veiwing  

by saying'' you're looking at that view as if it was the first time you saw something  like that'' she turned  and my jaw dropped she was beautiful just like every feature she has  and she had navy blue eyes  I could get lost in them.

she came forward to to pick up her cleaning material then she started apologiseing ,i am so sorry i didn't notice that alot of time has passed it s just that i got caught etc she said.

Its okay i don't mind i said.she was quite for a while so i broke the silence whats your name i asked? b**** she looked at me with those beautiful eyes and i gave her a go ahead nod.

its tris  she said nice meeting you tris my name is harry st** before i could finish she interrupted me i know MR styles she said,she excused herself and  and went out.I said sure i doubt she heard me.

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well that was odd I,said to myself.I am done for now but I still have to clean up after dinner,so i had to wait for my night shift to end so i could go home she thought to herself.

ring**ring my phone rang hello I answered  ms.steele you'll only work on mr styles room today the other members have guests and don't want to be interrupted.okay as he cut the line,i sighed in relief  and walked to the locker room.

harry,harry.what i snapped?Its zayne whoah you seem to be in deep thoughts,he exclaimed .jah i am just thinking about a girl i met ,her name is tris she was cleaning the room ,she's very beautiful,i said.

that's what you say about all the girls you stay with zayne said.No shes different ,unique.okay you're scarring me  said zayne,harry is in love  they fooled around zayne quit and decided to leave

as i was about to knock at the door it  swinged open and a arabic cute guy with dark black hair pretty cute face stood infront of me he wore a black skinny with  black v-neck shirt and black sneakers he's hot i thought,sorry i didnt mean to interrupt you i just came to ask if i could finish my night shift.

is mr styles in i asked?jah he is and you arn't interrupting  i was just on my way out he said.he gave me a sweet smile and i smiled back at him as he left.

knock.knock.come in! he said,excuse me sir i am here to finish my night shift.i said.oh sure you can get  started he said with a grin on his face.I washed up the dishes as i was drying them i felt eyes on me and i turned turned to see harry was starring at me while he stood in the kitchen door frame.

may i help you sir i asked .plz don't call me sir  you can call me harry,so can i get to know you better he said.there isn't much to know about me i said.okay can i atleast ask you a few questions about yourself he asked and i nodded.

where do you stay,uhm 11 blocks from here i were are your parents he asked?i would rather not talk about that i said,how long are u guys gonna be here i asked trying to change the subject?

2 months ,he answered.the questions continued and i didn't realize how much time has passed i have to go or i wont catch my last train it was so late 00:30 in the evening i stood up as i was about to walk out of the kitchen he stopped me.

no you cant go its late he said with concern in his voice i really have to go or i ll miss my last train,i said.i'll take you he said i looked at him with confusion on my face.its not necessary  i ll manage,i i ll take you besides its my fault you're still here,he insisted okay just this once i said.

you can go get your things while i go get the car ready will meet you at the back door he said.i walked to the locker room,took off my working uniform and wore my black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt written crazy and my black and white all stars.

i finished dressing and took my back pack and jogged to the back door ,a black jeep was waiting outside.pop in he said.i got in and he drove to my apartment building the drive here was quiet.he parked in the parking lot of the building.i got out of the  car and he came out too.

thank you harry for bringing me home i said to him,its my pleasure,so you stay here,he asked?ja i do,its late  and i have to wake up early to go to work.i sad.sure goodnight tris he said.goodnight harry i said as i walked up the stairs t my apartment.i opened the door and took a shower and went straight to bed.


you're the one for me,Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now