Chapter 2: Suprise Party

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Lucy POV


"Uh, yeah?"

"You forgot to mention something about my new boss."

"Anddd what would that be?"

"That's she's absolutely crazy!"

Levy just started laughing as we pulled into the nearest car dealership and parked.

"Lucy you of all people should know everyone is crazy in their own way." She said as we closed the car doors to her white 1970 Corvette, waking into the dealership.

"Okay. There's that kinda crazy. And just plain crazy. She literally only asked me like three questions. Then scares me half to death and said I'm hired. Who does that!" I asked waving my hands around. I was still a little flabbergasted after the ordeal.

"Well what did you say to make her scare you?" Levy asked curiously.

"Nothing important." I lied.

Levy was about to counter that statement when we were suddenly greeted by a short buff man that literary popped up out of nowhere.

"Hello you beautiful you ladies. How may I help you today. Mann~"

I slowly gave Levy a look out of the corner of my eye, signaling something of an are you serious look, mixed with you're gonna pay for this. Levy just looked to the floor finding her feet interesting for the moment. Taking a deep breath looking at the mann~~ -WHY DID I JUST DO THAT! I looked at the- the man- in front of me. He wore a white suit with a purple tie, had medium length redish orange hair, and a very chiseled looking face.

"Um, hi, I was looking for a car. Nothing too fancy. Just something that can get me from A to B. I can pay cash as well."

I had a lot of money from when my parents house and belongings were sold after id taken what I'd wanted of it. I had plenty to get me by for at least a year or two if I hadn't found a job right off. Hearing that I could pay cash seemed to make his eyes turn into literal stars.

"Mannnnn~ My name is Ichiya, I have just the car for a women who has such a lovely parfume~ Come this way." The short- thing- started waking in a direction.

When I looked to Levy again she seemed to have vanished into thin air, taking to one of the other sales people. A taller guy with spiky/long blonde hair. Guess maybe she knows him from school or something. Sighing because I'd lost my back up, I stared to follow- I started to follow the thing to the back of the lot with the really older cars. I was starting to get scared thinking Levy brought me to the worst place ever to buy a car until I saw it. A faded yellow 1965 Ford Mustang. If there was ever an older car I would drive it would be a '65 Mustang, a '67 Chevy Impala, or a '96 Pontiac Firebird. The body looked to be in great condition at a glance from looking at it. I stood there admiring the old car while the ma- Ichiya, opened the drivers door and popped the hood, opening it and gesturing for me to take a look.

"Take a look. I'll go fetch the key in case you'd like to test drive it." He looked at me satisfied, seeing that I was indeed interested in the car and walked back into the building.

This guy may be creepy, but he must be good to just look at me and know exactly what car I'd love to have. Looking under the hood, underneath the car and a closer look at the body. The car really was in good condition for being a '65. A little TLC, new paint and some love and she'll be good as new. I closed the hood and took another slow walk around that car, sliding the tips of my fingers on one hand along the side of the car as I walked.

"Lu-Lu when will you ever learn not to doubt me? I know the crazy's are a little creepy but at least I know the good crazy's."

Coming out of my trance, thinking of what I would do as far as TLC and new paint, I looked up to Levy with one hand on her hip, the other arm held up, holding a car key in her hand with a smug look on her face.

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