Chapter 10: Cafe Shenanigans 

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Sorry for the late update. My new job is really wiping me out lately and I haven't had much time to write but I'm hoping to find some inspiration over the weekend.

- Author-Chan

Lucy POV

"Hey Mira! I got here as quick as I could, it's only the second day and half my classes had pop quizzes. And then I miss placed my car keys." I said rushed as I walked into the kitchen where she was making pastries.

"It's alright Lucy. I truly don't mind so long as it's not something like an hour to a half hour late. Natsu should be here soon. I think I'll have you work on this with him again today." She said as she worked.

"Okay!" I replied as I came up next to her and tried to remember some of the things Natsu showed me yesterday.

A few minutes later I heard the bell on the door to the cafe ring. Looking behind me to the door I saw the flash of pink spikes rush out back and I felt myself smile slightly as I turned back to my work.

"So how long have you and Natsu known each other?" Mira asked.

"Oh, since we were five or six maybe? I don't really remember exactly when we met." I told her.

"Have you guys always been just best friends?"

I fumbled a bit with the dough I was folding and hoped she didn't notice. Her question took me by surprise.

"I mean yeah. I don't remember a time Natsu and I spent very long apart growing up except for when I went to Paris. We're trying to become friends again, pick up where we left off in a way I guess. We're different people than we were when we were twelve." I said avoiding mentioning how we confessed to each other and kissed back then.

"Hmmm." Was all she said.

Why am I getting a strange aura from her all of a sudden?

"Hey Mira. Hey Lucy." I heard Natsu greet behind me.

"Hey Natsu, if you could continue training Lucy on the pastries today that'd be great." Mira said as she took off her apron and went to take over at the register.

"Sure thing Mira!" Natsu said as he came over next to me. "So, I think I showed you how to make the cinnamon rolls, lemon bars aaand eclairs yesterday right?"

"Yeah, Mira had me start making some more eclairs while we waited for you."

When Natsu didn't say anything I looked over to see him looking at a clip board. He flipped through the pages as he looked at the shelves at the register and the supplies we had here in the kitchen, marking things off with a pen.

"Looks like we need more macaroons and strawberry danish's. I'll get the ingredients set up and then I'll help you finish those." He said as he walked off.

I really never thought Natsu could be so serious at work. I've always seen him really childish so seeing him like this is such a big change for me it's hard to remember I'm talking to the same person as four years ago. Natsu soon came back with some bowls and ingredients as he laid them across the counter and came to help me finish the eclairs.

"So, Natsu?"


"This sister of yours? What's she like?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! I didn't get a chance to talk to you today at school. Her name is Wendy. She's thirteen except with how smart and wise she is you'd think she's eighteen. Even if our parents didn't pass last year I think she'd still be wise like she is. She has long dark blue hair. Just a bubble of energy most of the time." He said as he smiled.

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