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You get jealous so easily,
You got jealous over whom I talk,
You got jealous whom I'm with,
You got jealous the way I entertain others,
But all those jealousy of yours was my fault,
For the reason that I can't give the assurance and time for you.

Can't blame you for thinking I've never love you,
I blame myself for not letting you feel what I really feel,
My feelings for you were true and genuine,
It's just my fears and pride that ruins it,
Having pride not to say sorry even though I know it's my mistake,
And afraid that someday you will leave me which is you did actually.

I know it's too late now to fix everything,
To fix what have been damaged,
But still I wanted you to know that I feel sorry,
Sorry for everything I put you through,
Sorry for the mistakes I've had made,
And Thank You for loving me genuinely, completely and unconditionally.


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