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"The Promise"

It was a promise of forever, a vow so true,
A bond that was meant to withstand, all that life could throw.
A declaration of love, a commitment so strong,
A hope that our bond, would last all life long.

We whispered sweet nothings, in each other's ear,
And laughed at the thought of our love ever fading away, my dear.
But as the years passed by, our bond started to crack,
And the promise we made, began to fade back.

We lost touch of the love, that once was so bright,
And the words that we said, no longer felt right.
The trust that we had, was now hard to find,
And the bond that we made, now felt so confined.

We found ourselves, at a crossroads, unsure,
Of the path that our love, was meant to endure.
And in that moment, the promise we made,
Was shattered and broken, no longer stayed.

The love that once flourished, now felt so lost,
And the promise we kept, now counted at a cost.
For the bond that we shared, now lay in shambles,
And the forever we promised, now nothing but mere ramblings.


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