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"No Future Us"

No future for us, a painful decree,
Paths diverging, setting our love free.
Memories remain, etched in the past,
But no future together, it wasn't meant to last.

Farewell we bid, with hearts heavy and low,
No future us, it's time to let go.
Grateful for moments shared, cherished and true,
But onward we must move, forging paths anew.

No future us, a chapter now closed,
But hope still resides, where new stories are composed.
With courage we'll wander, embracing the unknown,
No future us, but strength we have shown.

In the tapestry of life, our threads now apart,
No future for us, but love leaves its mark.
As we bid adieu, may fondness remain,
No future us, but hearts free from pain.


*adieu- is a French word means "goodbye" or "farewell". It is commonly used to bid a final goodbye to someone or something.*

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