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"Our Untold to Never Be Told Ever"

Being in a relationship is a scary thing,
Scared to lose either the trust or self,
In the depths of hearts, emotions take wing,
But ours remains hidden, kept on a shelf.

A tale untold, a secret we share,
Bound by a love no one else can perceive,
Wrapped in silence, a clandestine affair,
A connection we nurture, but never retrieve.

Whispers of passion flutter in the air,
But no words escape our guarded lips,
Our hearts entwined, a love beyond compare,
Yet hidden behind veils, like secretive scripts.

We dance in shadows, unseen and unknown,
Like silhouettes painted on moonlit skies,
Our tale locked away, in a realm all our own,
Where truth and vulnerability harmonize.

A symphony of stolen glances we orchestrate,
Concealed gestures, a delicate ballet,
Our souls entangled, no need to elucidate,
For the language of love, our hearts convey.

In solitude, we find solace together,
In the depths of our untold rendezvous,
Forbidden desires, whispered forever,
A bond unspoken, yet eternally true.

Our love is a secret, hidden from view,
An enigma to the world, an unspoken vow,
But in the depths of our hearts, it grew,
A sacred connection that only we know.

So let the world wonder, let them inquire,
They may seek answers, but find none to unfold,
For our untold relationship shall never tire,
A clandestine tale that shall never be told.


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