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"Grateful to Had You"

You came into my life like a ray of light,
Shining bright, and banishing the night,
I opened my heart, and you stepped in,
With all your flaws and all your grins.

We shared good times, and bad times too,
Moments of laughter, and tears that grew,
You listened to me, even when I was hard to hear,
And for that, my love, I hold you near.

Though there were times when you couldn't understand,
The complexities of my heart, the things I had planned,
You never judged me, or turned me away,
You stood by me, even when I had nothing to say.

I am grateful for the times we've shared,
The moments we laughed, and the moments we cared,
And even though it's been hard to comprehend,
You never gave up, you were always a lover.

You taught me to love, and to be loved in return,
To find joy in the simple things, and the lessons to learn,
You helped me see that life is precious and true,
And for that, my love, I am forever grateful to you.


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