43 ; glimpse

485 27 33

song of the chapter :
Glimpse of Us
↻◁ II ▷ ↺

song of the chapter :Glimpse of UsJoji↻◁ II ▷ ↺

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"Can we be friends?" He asked.

Jieun froze for some seconds with her eyes hooked on the guy.
She blinked her eyes multiple times and shook her head when she finally back to sense.

"No" She answered and walked away.

Heeseung followed her from behind,
"Please, just friends. Not more than that."

"Still no"


"No reason. Just no." Jieun answered strictly while keep walking.


Jieun stopped and turned to her back, facing the guy who was following him.
"Don't disturb me, please. I'm working now. And I guess you also need to back to work now since you are wearing uniforms. The lunch hour almost come to the end now. So, nice to meet you today, you may leave." She then continued walking.

"Jieun-" Heeseung stopped when he can no longer fight with her.

-The next day

"Please, let me be your friend."




Jieun sighed,


"Stop begging, I will stay with my decision." Jieun said.




It has been three days of Heeseung begging Jieun for letting him be her friend but Jieun didn't even change her mind. Heeseung keep coming to the hospital and talk about the same thing everytime he meets Jieun.

One day, Jieun noticed that Heeseung hasn't came to the hospital and the day almost gets darker. Heeseung usually come before dusk but that day, she didn't even see his shadow.

"Is he okay? It feels weird when he is not here." Jieun mumbled.
She shook her head and said,
"Jieun why do you need to care? Isn't this something you want?" she then continued her work.


"Yerin's leg is getting better day by day. I'm glad to have you, Heeseung." Mr. Jung said.

Heeseung, Yerin and their fathers were having dinner while talking about their future.

"Daehyun, I think this is the right time to tell them about it now." Mr. Lee mouthed while looking at Mr. Jung, Yerin's father.

Mr. Jung nodded,
"So, Yerin, Heeseung. We have decided to quicken your marriage."

Lluvia ¦ 이희승 ⋆Where stories live. Discover now