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Daenys' pov
I'm walking to lunch when Alicent approaches "aemond is to be wed to the dornish princess as soon as possible. I hope you realize what you've lost" "I wanted to tell you that I was going to do it. Only if I could have him." I say playing the part furrowing my eyebrows. "Why change your mind?" She asks and I say "I said I wouldn't choose between the two. But...I love your son. I always have. And now that he's done with your games to hurt me...and is showing the affection he holds...we can be happy. My father loves me. But the more time I spent away from him the more he's replaced me with more children. Rhaenyra's doings are wrong and will tear the family, and the realms apart...I saw it" lying through my teeth.

"I'm sorry but dorne is on their way to solidify the betrothal and marriage will be swift and aemond will have many sons." She replies. "You wanted one of your sons on or close to the throne. I'm how that happens" I say. "The answer is no" I make myself cry and walk away to my room locking the door behind me. I relax and wipe my eyes. "My love?" I turn and see aemond and he wipes my eyes "I take it it worked?" With a smirk. I nod "she's still refusing and wants you wed to the dornish princess" he kisses me "we leave tonight. I'll marry you in the traditions of our house and then come back and say I went on a ride across the narrow sea" I nod and we kiss again "how did you get in here?" "Your balcony isn't too hard to climb to my love." He chuckles.

I ask "are you okay? She is your mother" referring to what's to happen. He kisses my forehead "she's gone too far. Trying to split us, blackmailing you, using me the way she did, raising me as she did. She is my mother but she's never acted as such unless it benefited her. I'm okay" he asks me "are you okay? This...plotting and lying the way you are...it's everything you try not to be. Are you okay?" I rest my head on his shoulder as he holds me "I'm tired." I mutter.

He kisses my forehead "go on" "I just...want all of us to be okay again...I promised him we would be and I'm trying. I've always tried. But it's never enough...tearing me each way for their own wants and needs and remaining on neither side just for more to happen...I'm tired, aemond." I mutter. He makes me look up at him resting his forehead "I know your promise to my father. It wasn't fair for him to lay keeping us together on us. And-" he's cut off by a knock. I ask "who is it?" a sniffle is heard "Dyana, princess" oh no.

I walk over and open the door to see her clothes torn, her hair a mess, her lip bleeding. She hugs and cries into me and I close the door. Aegon raped her again. She doesn't have to say it...I just know. Anger fills me "where is he?" I ask her. "You can't confront him princess...he'll hurt you and me" I hand her moon tea "trust me you don't want to have his child. And I do not fear him. He can't keep getting away with this. He won't"

Aemond says "what are you talking about? Who?" I explain "aegon raped her. He's done it before. It's been swept under the rug but I'm tired of this. It's not right" aemond sets his jaw. Aemond hands Dyana money "take it. I know it doesn't change anything. Daenys stay here" I grab his arm "she's my friend. I'll handle it" he says "he is my brother doing this to her and I don't know how many other women. You're tired. Tired of all of this. Let me take some of the load off your shoulders" I shake my head "I got it" walking out.

He follows me "and what if he hurts you?" "I don't care, as long as he stops" I reply and he stops me "I care. You're to be my wife. Aegon and what he's doing is wrong. So very wrong. But I can deal with it." I shake my head "he doesn't listen to you, he doesn't listen to Alicent. He didn't listen to my uncle either. I'm going" I say and he follows and I burst into aegons door seeing him fucking a crying girl.

The fire in my veins lights and I grab a chalice and throw it at him and he snaps "ow!" Looking at me and I tug him by his hair away from her and beat him "you disgusting prick!" I snap. Kicking him. He coughs "shit" I step on his throat harshly "touch another woman who isn't willing and isn't your wife willingly I will kill you aegon. Cousin or not" he pulls me down to the ground and straddles me "man I've always wanted you Daenys" punching me as I thrash and he chokes me, his head is pulled back a knife to his throat "get off of her...now" Aemonds acidic voice snaps.

He tugs aegon off of me and slams him against the wall making him groan as I get up "if you ever touch a woman and especially Daenys again...I won't hesitate to slit your pathetic little throat" he growls as aegon chokes. He chuckles though "y-you're being married to dorne. She's free reign" aemond beats him until he's unrecognizable. I stop him "you cannot kill him. Not yet" "keep your fucking hands to yourself aegon, the gods won't be able to save you if you don't" aemond snaps letting him go.

Tossing him away. He comes over and wipes the blood from my lip "you're hurt" I assure him "I'm okay" I look at the cowering girl, Charlise. I tell her "get out of here. He won't bother you or anyone again if he knows what's good for him" and I hand her money "make sure you are not with child." And she hugs me tightly "thank you princess" rushing off.

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