𝖝𝖝𝖎𝖎. Too Good at Goodbyes

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𝖝𝖝𝖎𝖎. Too Good at Goodbyes

THAT NIGHT, Maeve dreams of her brother Cassian coming to visit her in the darkness. He smells like gunpowder and has his stupid, cocky smile painted across his face. But when she blinks, he disappears and her mind screams what she already knows. Cassian is dead.

When morning comes, a series of shuffles and slams makes Maeve bolt awake, sitting up in her bed. She expects to see Sentinels, Matt, or a murderous Damon ready to rip her apart for what she's done, but it's just the maids bustling in her closet. They look more harried than usual and pull down clothes from the hangers in abandonment.

"What's going on?"

In the closet, the girls freeze. They bow, their hands full of silk and linen. As Maeve comes closer, she realizes they're standing over a set of leather trunks. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Orders, my lady," one says, her eyes lowered. "We only know what we're told."

"Of course. Well, I'm just going to get dressed then." Maeve reaches for the nearest outfit, intending to do something for herself for once, but the maids beat her to it.

Five minutes later, they have her painted and ready, dressed in leather pants and a sweater made of cotton. She'd much prefer her training suit over everything else, but it's apparently not "proper" to wear the thing outside of sessions.

"Axel?" she asks the empty hallway, half expecting him to pop out from an alcove.

But Axel is nowhere to be found, so she heads off to Protocol by herself, expecting him to cross her path. When he doesn't, a shiver of fear ripples through her. Cedric made him forget last night, but maybe something slipped through the cracks. Maybe he's being questioned, punished, for the night he can't remember and what they forced him to do.

But Maeve is not alone for long. Chris steps into her path, his lips quirked into an amused smile.

"You're up early." Then he leans in, speaking in a low whisper that only she can hear. "Especially for having such a late night."

"I don't know what you mean," she says in the most innocent tone she can muster.

"The prisoners are gone. All three of them, disappeared into thin air."

She puts a hand to her heart, feigning shock for the cameras despite her sarcastic tone. "How in the world! A few Reds, escaped from us? That seems impossible."

"It does indeed." Though the smile remains, his eyes darken slightly. "Of course, that brings everything into question. The power outages, the failing security system, not to mention a troop of Sentinels with blank spots across their memories." He stares pointedly at her.

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