𝖑𝖎𝖛. Nothing Left to Burn

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𝖑𝖎𝖛. Nothing Left to Burn

TUCK SEEMS SMALLER than Maeve remembers, with the three hundred from Corros as well as the Colonel's own reinforcements clustering all over the island. He leads her past them all, setting a pace she almost struggles to match. Many of the new soldiers are Lakelanders, smuggled from the far north like the guns and food streaming in from the docks, but there are a good number of Nortans as well. Farmers, servants, deserters, even some tattooed techies drill in the open space between barracks. Most have come over in the last few months. They are the first of many outrunning the Measures, and more will certainly follow. Back on the runway, a familiar jet roars, and Maeve watches as the Blackrun climbs into the sky. Headed for the Notch, she bets, with Matt at the controls. All the better. She doesn't need him skulking around, watching and judging her every move.

Barracks 1. Last time, she entered in secret. Now, she enters in broad daylight, with the Colonel at her side. They walk through the narrow passages of the underwater bunker, and his Lakelanders step aside to let them pass. Maeve is acutely aware of this place ━ once she was its prisoner ━ but she no longer fears anything down here. They follow the piping in the ceiling, toward the pulsing heart of the barracks and the entire island. The control room is small but crowded, filled with screens, radio equipment, and maps on every flat surface. Maeve almost expects to see Cyrus barking orders, but she's nowhere to be found. Instead, there's a healthy mix of Lakelander blue and Guard red. Two men are different, wearing thick, faded green uniforms with black detailing. Maeve has no idea what country or kingdom they stand for.

"Clear the room," the Colonel says. He has no reason to shout; they obey him quickly.

Except for the pair in green. Maeve gets the feeling they've been waiting for this. They move in strange unison, turning toward the pair in perfect sync. Both wear badges on their uniforms, a white circle with a dark green triangle inside. The same marks Maeve saw on smuggler crates last time she was here.

The men are twins, the unsettling kind. They are not like Matt and his brothers, who are more similar than different, but still with their own features. These two are completely identical, but somehow more than that. Both have curly dark hair, bright green eyes, and identical beards. A scar is the only difference between them ━ one has a jagged line on the right cheek, the other the left. To distinguish them. With a cold shudder, the seventeen-year-old realizes they even blink at the same time.

"Maeve Deuveux, at last. It's a pleasure to meet you." Right Scar extends his hand, but Maeve is loath to take it. He doesn't seem to mind, and presses on. "My name is Emmett, and my brother ━ "

"Ren, at your service," the other cuts in. They bow their heads gracefully, again in startling unison. "We have traveled far to find you and yours. And waited ━ "

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