𝖝𝖑𝖛𝖎𝖎. The Little Legion

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𝖝𝖑𝖛𝖎𝖎. The Little Legion

FROM THAT DAY ON, his bedroom becomes theirs. It's a wordless agreement, giving both Maeve and Matt something to hold on to. They're always too tired to do anything other than sleep ━ hardly ever even talking ━ but Maeve knows that Weston suspects otherwise. He's stopped talking to her, and ignores Matt altogether. Part of her wants to join the others in the large sleeping rooms, where the children whisper into the night and Mags shushes them all. It helps them bond. But she would only frighten them, so she stays with Matt, the one person who doesn't really fear her.

He doesn't keep her awake on purpose, but every night she feels him stir. His nightmares are much worse than hers, and she knows exactly what he's dreaming of. The moment he severed his father's head from his shoulders. Maeve pretends to sleep through it, knowing he doesn't want to be seen in such a state. But she feels his tears on her cheek.

Even though they spend every night together, Matt and her don't talk much. There isn't much to say beyond their duties. Maeve doesn't tell him about the first note, or the next ones. Though Chris is far away, he still manages to sit between them. She can see him in Matt's eyes, a constant reminder.

She doesn't quite know why, but she can't destroy any of the notes, and tells no one of their existence. She should burn them, rip them up, electrify them, but she doesn't. She just can't.

She finds another letter in Corvium, during a recruitment. They knew Chris was on his way to the area, visiting the last major city before the ash-lands of the Choke. They thought they could beat him there. Instead, they found the king already gone.

     November 12

I expected you at my coronation. It seemed like the kind of thing your Scarlet Guard would love to try to ruin, even though it was quite small. We're still supposed to be mourning Father, and a grand affair would seem disrespectful. Especially with Matt still out there, running around with you and your rabble. A precious few still owe allegiance to him, according to Astraea, but don't worry. They are being dealt with. No Silver succession crisis will come and take my brother from your leash.

On another note, your birthday is in just a few weeks time. Are you excited? I don't doubt we'll spend it together.

Until we meet again,

His voice speaks every word, using the ink like knives. For a moment, Maeve's stomach churns, disgust washing over her. The nausea passes long enough for her to slip off of the mattress, out of Matt's embrace, to her box of supplies in the corner. Like at home, she keeps her trinkets hidden, and two more of Chris' notes are crumpled at the bottom.

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