𝖝𝖑. No One Gave Me a Choice

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𝖝𝖑. No One Gave Me a Choice

ACCORDING TO THE MAP, Coraunt is four miles northeast, sitting at the intersection of Regent's River and the extensive Port Road. Of the four great byways of Norta, the Port Road is the most traveled, connecting Delphie, Archeon, and Harbor Bay. That makes it the most dangerous, even this far north. Any number of Silvers, military or otherwise, could be passing through ━ and even if they aren't actively hunting Maeve and Matt, there isn't a Silver in the kingdom who wouldn't recognize the prince. Most would try to arrest him; some would certainly try to kill him on sight.

And they could, Maeve tells herself. It should frighten her to know this, but instead she feels invigorated. Chris, Astraea, Valencia and Damon Vesper ━ despite all their power and abilities, all of them are vulnerable. They can be defeated. She only needs the proper weapon.

The thought makes it easy to ignore the pain of the last few days. Maeve's shoulder doesn't ache so badly anymore, and in the quiet of the forest, she realizes the ringing in her head has lessened. A few more days and she won't remember the banshee's scream at all. Even her knuckles, bruised from striking the window and Weston's face, barely hurt anymore.

Cassian jumps among the trees, his form flickering in and out of being like starlight through clouds. He keeps close, never appearing out of eyesight, and is careful to pace his teleporting. Once or twice he whispers, pointing out a twist in the deer trail or a hidden ravine, mostly for Matt's benefit. While Weston, Cassian, and Maeve were raised in the woods, he grew up in palaces and military barracks. Neither prepared him for traversing a forest at night, as evidenced by the loud snapping of branches and his occasional stumbling. He's used to burning a path, forcing his way through obstacles and enemies with strength and strength alone.

Weston's teeth gleam every time the prince trips, forcing a pointed smile.

"Careful there," he says, yanking Matt away from a boulder hidden in shadow. Matt easily wrenches out of the Kliffe boy's grip, but that's all he does ━ thankfully. Until they reach the stream.

Branches are overhead from the trees on either bank, their leaves brushing against one another across the gap of water. Starlight winks through, illuminating the stream as it winds through the forest to join the Regent. It's narrow, but there's no telling how deep it might be. At least the current looks gentle.

Weston is probably more comfortable on water than land, and jumps nimbly into the shallows. He tosses a single stone into the middle of the stream, listening to the plop of rock on water. "Six feet, maybe seven," he says after a moment. Well over Maeve's head. "Should we make you a raft?" he adds, grinning her way.

Maeve first swam the Capital, a true river more than three miles as deep and ten times as wide, when she was fourteen. So it's nothing to plunge right into the stream, dipping her head beneath the dark, cold water. This close to the ocean, it tastes faintly of salt.

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