It is what it is

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You felt strange when you got up and stretched – you expected Farah's hand to reach out for you and pull you back to bed like she had done during the night. You were disappointed when she didn't.

You turned and looked at her, smiling. She was lying on the bed with the arm that had been curled around you spread wide over the sheets and her mouth slightly open, her hair all over the pillow. She was fast asleep and you wondered what she was dreaming.

You slowly stepped away from the bed and looked for your clothes. The previous night she had teared them off you with her bare hands. In all your years at Alfea, first as a student and now as a professor, you had always imagined Farah using magic to get you naked; but no, apparently reality was even more perfect than imagination, for she had undressed you in a way that had shown all her passion. Your knees went weak thinking about it.

You picked up from the floor your trousers and jumper and then, after leaving a lingering kiss on Farah's golden hair, you tiptoed out of her rooms.

It was morning already, and in less than two hours you would both have classes to teach.

Once in your room you went in the bathroom. You stripped and, as you glanced in the mirror, you noticed a few hickeys all over you body. On your neck, near your breasts, on the inside of your thigh... Farah had thoroughly devoured you.

You needed a concealing charm. But, before anything else, you needed a shower - you positively reeked of sex. You turned on the water and started washing yourself, trying not to think about how the touch of your soapy hands on your body made you desire to go back and wake the Headmistress with a long kiss.

Her fingers in your hair... the texture of her skin... the way she had trembled under your hands... the softness of her thin lips...

Before you noticed your fingers were between your legs. In your mind you saw the undiluted hunger she had had in her eyes yesterday when she had been moving against you... it didn't take you long to come, your thoughts and heart filled with memories of a night spent being loved by Headmistress Farah Dowling.

Gods, you had dreamed about it for so long. And now it had happened. You knew you shouldn't read too much into it – you were smitten with her, deeply in love since your second year as a student, but you knew all too well that it could be only a one-night stand for her; a way to steam off all the anxieties of the last few weeks, with all the Burned Ones disaster.

The last thing she needed was you getting too sentimental over it. You knew that, and yet a tiny voice inside of you was still hopefully saying that Farah never seemed the type of woman who had casual sex with a co-worker. As for you, after making love to her you hardly felt like you two were a separate thing.

"Stop it" you murmured to yourself, grabbing a towel and violently starting to dry yourself.

You glanced at your phone and noticed it was late. Deciding to skip breakfast, you dressed hastily and run to your classroom to prepare for the first lesson of the day.

At lunch you looked around for Farah, but she wasn't in the canteen.

You didn't see her until evening, when Ben Harvey came searching for you and told you a group of Burned Ones was about to attack near the Barrier. You run with him to the place where the Burned Ones had been sighted. Farah was there, dressed in a vaguely military attire, with Saul and some other Specialists. She was amplifying the sounds of the forest to try and hear any Burned Ones coming your way. Before anything could happen a first year student, Aisha, arrived, asking to speak with the Headmistress.

You didn't know what the girl had just said to Farah, but she was suddenly incredibly pale.

She told Aisha to go back, said something to Saul and then looked at you and told you to go with her.

Farah Dowling WRITOBER 2O22Where stories live. Discover now