Chapter 1: Wang yibo

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This my first book also English is not my first language so please bear with me..
So here we go
In a beautiful morning everything is looking so good and peaceful...
But in the office of multi billionaire company' s ceo is looking like he will going to murder his grand father....
Well surely but he is very angry because of his grand father stupid will. His position in his company which he made from a very low point is in now danger.. and if he not going to fulfill this will then many of his so called family will try to take over his company....

Wang yibo:- how the hell this will turn out to be this way ...
And why grandpa can't change his own will... Why I have to marry for the company I have made from the zero......

Advocate liu:- Sir when your grandfather is making this will because of your uncle he made it in a way that he himself cannot change it....
Knowing you don't want marry this will have prepared so they can take your position....

Wang yibo:- but there should be some way... Let me talk with my grandfather.. how am I going to find a bride and get heir just in one and half year... Why didn't I get this will sooner???

Advocate liu:- We also didn't get the knowledge sir... Sometime ago during some official paper these paper came out... If some more will goes it is really difficult to your position.....
Looking like your uncle has his this will so non will get the knowledge about this will.

Wang yibo:- how can grand pa don't know about this...

Grand pa Wang:-. I didn't know about this because I thought this will never submit officially.... And the will i have submit was the one everyone saw in which I made you owner of entire solo heir of Wang property and company....

Wang yibo:- grand pa then this goes in official....
And you know how is my son is.....
He doesn't even let any women near me how will he accept any one as his mother... You know he is most important in my life how will I make him understand or find someone who he will take her as his mother in such short period of time....

Grand pa Wang:- you have make him understand... You cannot give this company to those who can't take care of it . This is my family business.. You know i will not allow any one to destroy this empire... Which i made with your great grandfather....
If i didn't get ill that time and this empire goes in your uncle arm... It's impossible for this empire to goes so down... You also know that i am greatful that you and your father came right time to take over this empire.....
Because of this I made that will. Not submit it.. but that everything is already goes out of hand make sure you take care of it.. ( by saying this grand father Wang walk away).....

Wang yibo:- what am I going to do now....

Advocate liu:- Sir i will also get going and if i can do anything for you ..

Wang yibo:-. Hmm

By this everyone goes goes out of ceo office room

Wang yibo:- what I will do now i have to make yuan understand and find someone who will not only gave me a child but love my yuan as her own child... How am I going to do this ...

Just then his secretary or best friend Wang huaxuan came inside the office..

Just then his secretary or best friend Wang huaxuan came inside the office

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Wang hauxuan:-  Wow....
What happen to this beautiful office... Is any toronto came here...

Wang yibo only gave him glare* which is sufficient for him to understand something serious happen!!

Wang huaxuan:- can you tell me what happen..
If i can help.

Wang yibo gave him file of his grand father will.

Wang huaxuan:- Now what are you going to do... You never in a relationship after your first and last relationship.... And what will you tell your son....

Wang yibo:- i am going home then we will see.. but i have to find someone.

Wang huaxuan:- that you don't have to worry about by saying you want to marry...
Many girls or even boys will came in cue...

Wang yibo:- But i cannot marry any one who were only after my money you know that....

Wang huaxuan:-Hmm... we have to see right person for you..

Wang yibo:- It's already 4pm there not going to happen any meeting.. then i am living...

Wang huaxuan:- Hmm.. yes i think you can go i will handle your remaining work here...



By the time yibo reach home their were ruckus happening inside the house...
He goes inside every one went silent accept his son who still crying for his mother....
This is the first time from when his son came to this house.. when he was crying for his mother never when he goes overseas for buisness meeting he cried...

By asking the maids about this they all were have the same answer they didn't know... (As they didn't tell that young master went missing for about two hours when they take him for playing)

Maid 1:- Sir we take young master outside to play because he is getting irritate inside the house...
But then after that he is crying...
We have try to contact you but you didn't attend our calls....

Then yibo remember that his phone is not with him. in anger he left his phone in the office...

But his son more important..
Only his son is the one for whom he ready to do every thing and his this side is only for his son and close family and friends for other he is known as cold prince which can't be approached easily... After his son came to his life a bit happiness that his life have is all because him...

Yibo:-. What happen to yaun..
Why is he crying for mamaa
Is he not happy here with his daddy...

Yaun:- dadwy(daddy) is most good person... I want mamma from mall... He take care me and also sctold (scold) them who bully me for me.. firse(first) time someone care for me like him i want him my mamma..

Yibo:- but yaun why are call him/her mamma..

Yaun:- but he told me kiddo like you do.. you say only parvent (parent) can call that and help me and sctold them..

Yibo:- Hmm so you want him/her as your mother..

Yaun:- yess....

Yibo:- okk... Now calm down stop crying.. Daddy will see how to meet this person again also you can meet him okk...

Yaun:- Haa, ok

Then yibo looks toward maids and ask is dinner is ready...

Maid:- yes sir ..

Yibo:- lets go now...
We have dinner then sleep

Yaun:- no!! I don't want to eat now...

Yibo:- if you don't eat then forgot about mamma i will not let you meet...
You are getting naughty day by day

Seeing his daddy is getting angry he silently goes to dining area and finish his food and then yibo made him sleep in his own room to then goes his own room...

After getting fresh he laid in bed and think about every event happen today...
And whose is this person who take his son attend.. in just some time his son get attach to him.. where accept him his son not even  allow his parents to touch him in starting.. is now crying for unknown person saying him as his mother...

Who are you!!! ( Is the only thing is going in yibo's mind)...

That's all for today i wrote a very big chapter i think...
Hope you will like it...
Next we meet our next main lead...

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