Summer European tour:2023

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Copia opened his car door and stepped out onto the road feeling a cold breeze from the sea blow onto his face. He shivered slightly but the sun felt nice. The cardinal was informed he had to visit Mr. Saltarian to discuss the dates for the 2023 summer tour. He felt exited about being able to preform again despite just finishing the American tour not long ago. He didn't bother locking his car and walked up the pathway to where Saltarians beach house was. He looked down examining little things like how the sand was naturally blown onto the gravel path almost covering it. He watched as birds flew above his head in an attempt to fly the opposite direction of which the wind was travelling resulting in them being pushed back at a force they could not beat.

Little things like these seemed to fascinate copia. It gave him a nice perspective on things in live although so small they can make such a difference.

He reached his hand out and turned the door knob rhat had been left unlocked.

"Silly, he could get robbed for it locking things!"

He mutters to himself with a smile as he entered.


The cardinal wandered around trying to find Mr saltarian for a while before walking out onto the balcony. He noticed a little drain oip sticking out of a slope on the beach that had murky water running into a part of the sea. He was about to complain about it polluting the waters before he nto ed a small brown rat crawl out of it and start scurrying around the entrance. He placed both hands on the balcony railing and was about to climb down before a firm hand grilled his shoulder and pulled him back off the railing. Copia stumbled up right and smiled to see me saltarian.

"What are you doing boy?! You cant die just yet."

He smiled at Copia and sat down on one of the deck gesturing with one hand for Copia to take a seat beside him. Once he had sat himself down and got comfy Mr. Saltarian took a sip out of his drink and spoke up.

"It's so nice to see you again boy! I'm glad you came because I needed to talk to you about something, but why are you here?"

"I was wondering about my acting tapes and if you had got any word back about them?"

Mr Saltarian scrunched his face up and shook his head politely.

"Oh that's a shame. I really thought I was good at that whole acting thing."

The Cardinal shrugged and turned back to face Mr Sultarian with a smile.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"I wanted to speak to you about the European tour. What theme you want to have with it and where you want to go. This one will have to be extraordinary or..well," He paused.

"Or what?"
Mr Saltarian looked down for a while thinking and then back up,
"Oh never mind that boy! now let's get to preparations hm?"

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