-Ghouls in a librabry-

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Writers note:Once again sorry about the spelling mistakes in the first chapter i'll check this one over before posting it:)

Copia walked back inside the ministry and made his way towards the library. When he entered he realised Swiss and Sodo sitting down on a couch. Sodo was pestering Swiss as he tried to read a large book with a hard dill green cover. He decided to go and see what they were arguing about.

"You are such a nerd Swiss, I don't get what is so fascinating about these books anyway?"

Sodo snatched the book from Swiss's hands and held it up in the air with one hand reading random words sideways.

"What the fuck is pulchritudinous," Sodo questioned bringing the book extremely close to his face and pointing to the large word.

"It means if something or someone is physically beautiful," Swiss muttered snatching the book back and shook his head.

"Ah I see! In that case I am pulfidocius!"

"Pulchritudinous sodo. Pulchritudinous."

"Whatever. It sounds like some sort of dinosaur. Anyway reading is- oh! Hello Papa, how was Mr Saltarian? Did your AMAZINGGG acting get noticed?"

The Cardinal smiled at sodo and sat in an armchair across from him, "Sadly no. But Mr saltarian was doing all right despite living there all on his own..there were some rats in a sewer near him.."

"Of course you noticed the rats," Swiss butted in as Sodo giggled.

"Aha very funny. Anyway, we were just talking about the European tour. I am so exited for it are you two?"

Sodo and Swiss turned to each other and Copia saw a frown where there was an opening in Swiss's mask that allowed his mouth and nose to show.

"What's the matter with you two? Your not going to leave the band are you?!" Copia chuckled and waited for a response but after a few seconds Sodo turned back to him and shrugged. The ghoul stood  up and brushed down his clothes getting rid of the creases in his sleeves. He reached out a hand and slightly bowed to help Swiss up. Swiss smacked his hand out the way and stood up by himself scowling at Sodo. They both walked off leaving Copia sat alone in the library.

"Strange ghouls, what a way to make things awkward," He muttered under his breath.

Copia shrugged and stood up scouring  the book shelf for something to read. Once he found a book that he thought he would enjoy, he sat back down on the armchair and began to read.

Ok so can someone help me decide on this.
I'm not sure if I want to make this story shorter and have terzo get revived a bit early or If I want to make it longer and keep going filling in more of the plot.
Also!Not more horrible spelling mistakes😍

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