-8 ghouls in a basement-

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Copia patted the animal roughly on its broad neck before removing his feet from the stirrups. He pushed himself up off the saddle and swung his leg around the back of the horse, collecting his reins and sliding them Into his arm so he could remove the stirrups easily without letting go of the horse.

He unclipped the girth and lifted it up wards along with the saddle before turning and placing it on a wooden hitching post that had been sanded down. He patted the horse down a few more times before smiling and kissing it on the nose.

"Your getting faster Baal-Berith!"

Copia smiled at the grey horse and moved his Mane out of his eyes. He picked the reins back up and led the horse over to one of the empty stable stalls. He took off the horses bridle and closed the stall door behind him, hanging the bridle over a fence corner post.


Writers note: So I'mnot really sure how to write this ritual but we'll see how It goes. I'll probably end up cutting bits out and then say it just 'happened'😅. Anyone back to the story. Also this part mentions "this is how nihil came back, but it only lasted for 3 days. ok?" obviously that isn't cannon but because I haven't mentioned him or his revive yet we shall have to make do<3


Cumulus bounced her leg nervously and sunk into the red armchair. All of the ghouls were situated in different places in a section of the ministry basement. The walls were lined with empty stacking shelves and the floor was old and decaying. No one was ever down there as there was no use for this basement. It was just growing mold and gathering cobwebs and dust on its walls and floors.

Sodo finishes placing the candles on the corners of the pentagram and rain lit them one by one, moving behind Sodo.

"Are you sure this is right?" Swiss pipped up scanning the pentagram on the floor.

"Yes, now we just hope that the chant that brought nihil back to life will do the same for him. But remember, it only brought Nihil back for 3 days," Sodo smiled at Swiss reassuringly and looked around at all the ghouls. One bye one they stood up at their own time and gathered around the pentagram. They all held their hands out and collided them together before looking up at Sodo and waiting for him to begin the Chant.

Sodo sighed and closed his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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