-A simple chess game-

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Copia wondered through the long hallways of the ministry. There were only a few windows placed around the ministry on various places of the different floors so the light source was relied mainly on the dim ancient lights that were placed in perfect rows on the ceiling above him.

He admired the multiple paintings on the ceiling that probably held some sort of historic story that he didn't know of.

He checked every room he passed now and again peering his head through the doors and calling out the ghouls name. After Copia had asked about the three papas everything on the table became awkward. Copia had barely finished his dinner before he stood up from the table and excused himself by saying he felt ill but in reality he wanted to make sure Aether was ok because he walked off looking really upset.

Quick writers note!:This is hinting to the clip of Terzo being dragged off stage and after Aether runs after him:) This is why he is so upset about his death being mentioned!^^ Ok back we go

Copia entered a large room with dark brown walls that were patterned with sage green patterns overlapping with each other. There were book shelves on every wall except one where a large stained glass window sat letting little strands of glowing light through making the room have a nice golden shine. There were multiple large couches in the room and a big table with a chess board ontop of it and three candles in the middle that were all lit and dripping with wax.

On the edge of one of the chairs Copia noticed a dark figure sitting with his face held in his hands. He quietly walked over and placed his hand on Aethers shoulder. Aether flinched slightly but looked up to see Copia and smiled slightly shaking his head and sitting back so his back was comfortably rested. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Copia spoke in a playful tone.

"Are you crying?"

He raised an eyebrow and Aether laughed.

"No i'm not crying just-," Aether stopped for a second and pushed his head back on the couch, "I don't know."

Copia looked at him thoughtfully and sat back pushing his head back aswell, "Was it what I said? If so i'm really sorry Aether I was just curious about what happened to them. But if you don't mind me asking, why did you get sad when I mentioned  their names?"

Aether thought for a moment and turned slightly to face Copia "After Terzos death I felt upset..they had already killed the first 2 papas and I guess I was sick of it. Them dying was pointless," Aether stopped and scanned his eyes back and forth as if he was replaying what he said in his head.

"Pointless? They died naturally Aether you can't stop that."

Aether gave a sigh of relief and the panic seemed to flee from his face. He smiled at copia and grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't worry about all the papas dying, your a good one."

Copia gave a smile even though he had no idea what that meant.

Aether clapped his hands together loudly and Copia jumped slightly at the loud noise.

"So,papa. Fancy a game of chess?"

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