Eight - Picnics on the Roof

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I stand awkwardly outside of Carlos and Jay's dorm after showering and dressing in clean tan jeans and a purple t-shirt with a red sleeveless jacket, shifting my weight between my feet as I wait for one of them to open the door. As I do, I think back on how I got here.

Audrey storms up the bleachers with Chad behind her and snatches the microphone from his hand. "Chad's my boyfriend, now!" She grins bitchily.

"Hey!" He waves to the crowd, and I roll my eyes. He's such an idiot.

"And I'm going to the coronation with him. So I don't need your pity date."  She pulls him into a kiss and I notice Evie recoil, angry.

"You okay?" I whisper worriedly. She shakes her head.

"Hey," I touch her arm lightly. "Ignore Chad and ignore Audrey, okay? They're jerks. Especially Chad. You are smart and funny and talented, obviously, so don't waste your time on a guy like him. Okay?"

Evie smiles weakly. "Okay. Thanks, Ali. You're a good friend." She gives me a gentle hug, still avoiding the mud on my clothes, then pulls away as Ben speaks up.

"Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me?"


"She said yes!"

I watch as Audrey storms off angrily with Chad following behind and roll my eyes before turning back to Evie and the other two.

"Let's go, Ben! The whole team's waitin' for ya!" Jay slides up next to Ben and lays his arm around his shoulders.



Jay shuffles to me before he follows Ben, taking my hands in his. "You made it." He grins, then notices my dirty appearance. "What, did you fight a mud-monster on your way over?" He jokes.

"You've been playing too many video games," I laugh. "Sorry I was late."

Jay pulls me close and kisses my forehead, his arms warm around me. "Hey, so, the team's about to celebrate, but would you want to hang out after? Like... on a date?"

I grin. "I'd love to. Actually, I have the perfect place for us to go... Pick you up at five?"

"Five's perfect," Jay grins, squeezing me. "I'll see you then."

"See you then!"

Jay makes his way back down the bleachers and I turn to Mal and Evie to see them grinning at me. "What?" I ask. Evie makes a whipping motion with her hand as she makes the sound effect, and I roll my eyes and laugh.

The polished wooden door swings open to reveal Carlos' short figure with Dude in his arms. "Ali, hey," He grins, "Jay's just gone for a shower, but he won't be long. You can wait inside."

I smile down at him and thank him as I step inside their room, looking around at all they've got. "Nice room," I say. Carlos and Dude plop onto one of the beds and relax, grinning at me from across the way.

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