Ten - Prince Ali P.2

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I walk through the crowd with my parents, having split from the VK's side shortly after they met up with Ben's folks, deciding to take the time to catch up with my parents and meet up with my friends later.

Jay's holding my hand still, though. He decided to come with me and my parents, so we've basically just been on a double-date this whole time, what with my parents flirting as they walk ahead of us and us flirting from behind.

We stop at a dessert table, each of us grabbing a mini-cupcake. I pick up the last one one with pink-ish red icing, while Jay grabs one with blue. I laugh softly, "Wanna trade?" I ask, offering him the cupcake. He grins wolfishly and pushes our two cupcakes against eachother, mixing the icing cleanly.

"There," He says, "Now I've got red, and you've got blue. And if you mix it further, you've got purple. Which is your favourite colour." He says proudly, as if he's discovered my deepest secret.

"You're such a weirdo!" I laugh, pulling him closer by his hand. "But it's cute, so don't stop being weird."

"I make no promises, Good Sir." With a mischievous grin, he snatches my cupcake and smashes it onto my forehead, leaving me looking like some kind of dull unicorn.

"Jay!" I cackle, "Get back here!" I chase after him, laughing loudly as we sprint past Rapunzel and Eugene and their kid, Flynn.

"Go get 'im, kid!"

"Thanks, Fitzherbert!"

I finally catch up to Jay as we round a hedge maze wall, out of view of the crowd, and tackle him to the ground. I laugh breathily from on top of him, grinning widely at the mess on his outfit.

"You've got icing on your head." He grins, laughing as he breathes heavily beneath me. I feel his heart pounding beneath my hand.

I wipe at the icing with my finger and run a dollop of it onto his nose. "You've got icing on your nose," I mock with a grin, wiping the rest of the icing from my head.

He chuckles and rolls us over, supporting his weight with his hands. I raise a brow through my laughter as he leans down and rubs his nose against mine, wiping the icing onto my nose playfully with his. My heart stutters in my chest.

"All better?" He asks, leaning back. I feel my cheeks flush red at the look in his eyes. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

"I don't know," I sigh, noticing a stroke of red-blue mix, "You got some on your cheek."

He moves to wipe it away, but I stop him. "Let me." I say softly.

I lift my hand and gently stroke his cheek, rubbing away the icing with my thumb. Once it's gone, my hand stills on his cheek and I look into his eyes. I feel every moment as he lowers himself gently, until our foreheads are pressed against each other and I feel his breath mingling with mine.

"Jay." I whisper, heart pounding. He hums. "I really want to kiss you right now." My cheeks heat rapidly and I feel my ears burn as I look into his dark eyes, my hand sliding from his cheek to the back of his neck. "Can I kiss you?"

Jay nods his head softly, not looking breaking our intense eye contact. "Yes, please."

I gently pull down on his neck, lifting my head until we meet halfway. Our lips touch. They're soft, tentative in the beginning. His lips are warm on mine, and my eyes flutter shut as he slides off of me, pulling me with him until we're both sitting up, leaning on each other, our kiss unbroken.

The gentleness of his lips on mine contrasts the rough calluses on his hands from years of parkour and quick escapes and their tight grip on my arms. The kiss is awkward, though, as all first kisses are, and I can't help but pull away with a gentle laugh as our teeth knock together. I wipe my arm across my mouth to dry my lips.

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