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I accompany you in the end

Traditional Chinese

set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 21

    Update time 2013-6-1 8:21:06 Word count: 2121 After

    five days of heavy snowfall, the door was almost blocked, and even the zombies were hidden. She's not afraid of the cold, but she doesn't want to go out, watch movies or read novels that she downloaded on her laptop before. The laptop is powered by solar energy, and when she used to be bored, she specially remodeled a laptop powered by spar. So I still have a very happy life. When my eyes are tired, I practice cultivation. So when everyone is very impatient and impatient, Gan Baobao is still living a happy life. Very happy.

    After staying here for eight days, the large army set off in full gear. When they left the city, it was very smooth. I don’t know if it was because of the heavy snow that there were very few zombies moving outside. This just happened to let everyone go out of the city smoothly.

    Every day, Bao Bao was bored in a daze and looked at the space saying that he was eating some fruit. Several people in the car consciously thought that they did not see the thing that suddenly appeared. In this way, there were no major casualties. Under the circumstances, he harvested a lot of materials, and swayed back to the base.

    In fact, what made Bao Baobao very happy along the way was that she accidentally threw Du Xiaoya, who was spying on her husband, in front of the fifth-level loss when she was fighting zombies, so that she could experience the shadow of death. When she came back, Du Xiaoya ran away as soon as she saw Baby Gan, which really scared her. Originally, she still had confidence that a fourth-level ability person would never harm anyone, but after seeing Baby Gan's methods She was really frightened. Seeing how kind and innocent people usually look, she thought she was a good person. It turned out that it was not a rabbit but a tiger.

    When she returned to the base, her daily life began to be a little more ordinary and happier, at least she would not be bored anymore and someone would play with her.

    In the bright and spacious living room, a long-haired woman of 18 or 19 years old was lying on the white sofa, and two cute little boys of four or five years old were beating her legs and the other standing as servants waiting for the master to give orders.

    "Oh, why are you so stupid? You can't even hammer a leg. I really don't know what to do with you." The girl looked up at a pitiful child lying on her lap with a charming face.

    "Why am I still wrong? Seeing how pitiful you are, why am I still abusing you?" The girl said angrily and loudly when she saw that the child looked like she was about to cry.

    "Mom, your expression is wrong, you should be a little rude, and you should kneel on the ground instead of lying on your mother's lap." A calm-faced boy standing beside him seriously corrected the two on the sofa. Personal mistakes.

    Gan Baobao sticks out her tongue embarrassedly, which makes her son Xun really shameless. Does she have no talent for acting? She glanced at her elder brother with disdain. If he didn't act well, I'll repay him today, so I said unhappily, "Okay, okay, mom, lie down, we'll start acting again."

    Xiaoxiao smiled and posed naturally under the noisy white eyes, so what if he just wanted revenge.

    So the scene just now was re-enacted again. The servants who watched the mother and son in the hall were all hiding in a hidden place to watch the play happily. That's right, Baby Gan was free to stay at home and the two children were happy. But there was no fun, so everyone thought of role-playing, so today a stepmother abused the ex-wife's child was staged, and this made the family's idle servants also come together to act and watch the play.

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