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I accompany you in the end

Traditional Chinese

set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 29 The Baby Shows Off

    Update time 2013-6-10 10:50:09 Word Count: 2159

    The enchanting woman who came from the sky under the sun gave birth to a kind of goblin who seduces people and falls into the world, beautiful but hurtful.

    "Wow, my sister has changed again." Gan Yafei looked up at the woman who stepped out of the air with a surprised look. Step by step, he was leisurely and soul-stirring. He was really amazing.

    "Wow, sister-in-law is so strong." This is Duan Feng's sigh on behalf of everyone.

    Li Yuntian was also amazed for a moment, but immediately reflexively looked at his sister beside him, and it really was a resentful face.

    When Li Yunxi heard the familiar voice, she was not surprised at all, but full of resentment. Why did she come here? Why did Fang Yu keep looking at her since she came. She really hates her so much, even if she is dead She would also rather be with Mo Fangyu than be saved by this woman she hates.

    The Lion King looked at the woman who came in the air. She gave him a very dangerous feeling and his sense of danger immediately increased, but Bao Baobao didn't give her a look at all. What filled his eyes was her being bullied. husband and her lovely brother.

    The surprised voice of "husband" quickly jumped down from the sky, making Mo Fangyu's eyes widen nervously. Bao Bao Bao looked at her husband's terrified eyes and was very happy, and then rolled over and landed gracefully in the air. As soon as he arrived at Mo Fangyu's side, the coercion of the Lion King disappeared without a trace, which made everyone under the coercion very relieved. I also guessed that maybe this sister-in-law will be stronger than the big lion.

    "Husband, husband" Gan Baobao jumped into Mo Fangyu's arms excitedly and habitually acted like a spoiled child. He didn't have the enchanting and expert demeanor just now, which made Gan Xiaodi wonder if this was really the peerless goblin just now, as if covering his face. , sister, let's pretend it!

    "Don't you know it's dangerous?" Mo Fangyu said with a serious face to Bao Bao, but he still hugged the villain who rushed towards him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised to show his good mood.

    Gan Baobao stuck out his tongue mischievously and kissed Mo Fangyu at the corner of his mouth, completely ignoring that there were people and dangerous mutant animals on the side. ).

    Brother Gan turned his head to the side again in disgrace, and the soldiers who followed Mo Fangyu consciously turned their heads so as not to disturb the happy moment of the boss, only Li Yunxi's eyes were burning.

    "Don't make trouble." Although Mo Fangyu likes his wife's affection for him, it seems a little inappropriate now.

    "Without a little tutoring, what kind of family would raise what kind of daughter?" The sweet voice was deducted by the sharp sarcasm.

    Gan Baobao continued to cling to her husband like I didn't hear it. He pretended not to hear what he heard. Brother Gan admired what my sister wanted to hear, and regarded it as air. If my sister was very strong in combat, he should just watch it. So after Li Yunxi finished speaking, she didn't get anyone's attention, completely ignoring her existence, which made the eldest miss really angry.

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