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I accompany you in the end

Traditional Chinese

set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 37

    Update time 2013-6-14 17:18:41 Word count: 2202 The

    weather is so good when I wake up, I can't stand it. I don't know if it's because of entering a new era, so the environment and food have to be re-adapted, just like now, five months The winter is over and I haven't enjoyed the spring for a few days, and the summer will start again, and I feel that this summer is really sad.

    Gan Baobao lazily nestled on the sofa and happily ate red and bright apples, watching jokes happily. The two children were obediently staying by their mother's side. Who kept the mother's side cool and comfortable? This is a mobile Air conditioner.

    "Ah, how can I go out under such a big sun?" Mo Fangfei looked at the rising sun outside the house with resentment. It's really been a month and the weather has risen by more than ten degrees, and now it's just over ten o'clock. It's not even hotter from 28 degrees to noon, I really don't want to move.

    Looking at the happy sister-in-law who was sitting on the sofa eating apples, it was really unfair, why did the sister-in-law not feel hot at all, but she almost didn't dare to go out the door, why did she wake up The ability is not ice-type. Seeing that my brother and sister-in-law are not afraid of cold in winter, and not afraid of heat in summer, I am really envious.

    "Son, what do you think your sister-in-law looks like now?" Gan Baobao was very happy to share her findings with her children.

    The "resentful woman" is very proud to say what he found, and at the same time is very smart and even more rubs against his mother's arms, he doesn't want to be shot by the eyes of the aunt, Xiaoxiao glanced at the happy mother who smiled helplessly With his brother who sought asylum, he didn't understand why the two of them were always so playful, as his grandma said, fortunately he is not so active, otherwise there will be a gang of scourges in the family, including the mother who takes the lead. and the helpless father.

    "Noisy" Mo Fangfei was very sharp when she heard her little nephew's evaluation of her. She was really an unlovable child. What is it like to be like a grumpy woman? They are not married yet. She will not let this little villain go, so Started a game of chasing after me. Fortunately, the air conditioner is on at home, otherwise I really can't stand this 'warm' weather.

    "Okay, don't make a fuss about Fangfei, come and tell me the news that came yesterday, and your father didn't tell me the specifics." Mo's mother stopped her playful daughter with a worried look. She stayed every day. I don't know much about the situation outside at home, so my daughter should know better than her.

    When Mo Fangfei heard her mother's call, she immediately pulled a chair and sat beside her mother, her face became serious, but after glancing at the unruly sister-in-law, her mouth twitched helplessly. Her sister-in-law really can't do anything. I don't know if I don't pay attention, and I don't know if my brother fell in love with her fortunately or unfortunately, but it's none of her business.

    "Sister-in-law, come and listen. The boss should have told you yesterday." Mo Fangfei still hopes that her sister-in-law will know a little bit, and she won't be ignorant at all by then.

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