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I accompany you in the end

Traditional Chinese

set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 25

    Update time 2013-6-8 8:22:16 Word count: 2173

    Life is still very peaceful. Although it is the end of the world, Gan Baobao still lives her life as a drunken dreamer. The sadness and despair outside have not affected her. 2022 has passed. The year started in 2008, which was called the first year of the catastrophe. The weather was changeable and people were desperate. The cold weather lasted for five months, and the weather did not get warmer until April of the second year. Although April is not very hot, it is a little warmer, but the temperature in April this year is still between 14 and 5 degrees, and a lot of things have happened in one winter.

    It is very common for some survivors who did not have warm clothes to freeze to death. Although the northern base was better, people still died. They died of freezing, starvation, being beaten to death, and dying without knowing the situation. A chaotic, sinful year, all the filth and sin bound by morality are exposed to the light of day.

    The second big thing is that the zombies started to fight back. After being hunted for more than half a year, they learned to resist. This is very dangerous news for humans, although I have heard that the zombies of the fourth and fifth levels have wisdom and hunger. There were not many before death, so I didn't understand it, but when the winter passed, people crowded out to find life, but found that everything had changed. The originally scattered zombies began to plan and purposefully attack the surviving humans. Suddenly, because of surviving The people who were sheltered at the base began to despair. People have long realized that they can only live by hard work, but now going out is death, waiting is also death, which has become a dead end trapping people's hearts.

    This era has become a stage for only new human beings who have evolved. Ordinary people who have not evolved have only despair, but human beings who have evolved are only one-third of the total number of humans who have survived, and they are still common low-level evolutionaries. The big question of survival, and what should we do.

    Gan Baobao has not seen Mo Fangyu come home for lunch for a week. Although she has been staying at home, she is not ignorant of the situation outside. Zombies evolve and target survivors. With her understanding now The most advanced zombie should be the leader of the eighth-level zombies. It has evolved to be similar to that of humans. Even the red eyes are very shallow. If you are not careful, you will not be able to find it.

    Some nights when Yu Jian flew outside to inquire about news, Baby Gan saw an eighth-level zombie leader, with four seven-level zombies, a dozen six-level zombies, and forty to fifty five-level zombies beside him. The concept of rank is also very strong, she saw a 6th-level zombie walking by those 5th-level zombies and had to bow their heads or avoid them. Anyway, it looked very majestic. The 8th-level zombie Gan Baobao made a gesture with herself, Her strength should be at the peak of Foundation Establishment and her body is very strong. Even if she encounters a cultivator of the same level, she should pay a small price to win, so the situation is not optimistic, although she had I wanted to save the eighth-level zombie, but he escaped. At that time, she rushed home and did not catch up.

    Human evolutionists now also have four or five level seven abilities, and Mo Fangyu is also one of them. Who let him be hit by his wife, he practiced diligently every day, and spent four or five hours meditating at night Cultivation, as long as you put in the hard work, there will be rewards. In such turbulent times, only strength is the last word.

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