Chapter 24: Di 'n Samina

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This chapter is dedicated to @beverlyamethyst16 in sincere gratitude for her encouraging comments, interest in and support of this novel :-)!

She is an author as well & has 2 novels on WP, one of which has > 39K reads :-)! Way to go, Beverly :-)!!! Please check them out!


Chapter 24: Di 'n Samina

Tom and Samina lay together 'afterwards', side by side, on their backs, breathing hard, as if they'd both run a marathon. Tom certainly felt as if he had! Samina had gotten what she'd wanted. (They'd spent quite a long time at 'third base'.) Tom had been less fortunate. (They'd never made it to 'home'.) As he lay, feeling somewhat spent, staring at the ceiling, his thoughts wandered back to his last girlfriend, Diana, or Di as he'd used to call her. He'd left her behind in BC, after finishing up his Master's and getting a job in the OPP detachment in Ignace. Their relationship had fizzled out soon afterwards. More than any other woman he'd ever known, Di had needed a man on the spot, not one who was thousands of miles away. And if he was honest, he'd probably needed the same, in a woman.

Since returning, he hadn't met anyone he'd been moved to go out with. Until he'd met Samina, that is. What was the highest number on the Richter scale? 10? He smiled, thinking how she could tell him. Yeah, he hadn't simply been moved by Samina. He'd felt as if the ground under him had shifted, according to a magnitude 10 earthquake! If he thought about just how much he loved her, he was pretty sure that he was gonna get teary-eyed. Not a good move! Not when you were a guy - specially an OPP officer, so presumably a tough one - and all that ... crap!

He'd met Di at a year beginning departmental party. She'd been an undergrad in Criminology. He'd just been starting his Master's. She'd come up to him, drink in hand, and flirted outrageously with him. She needn't have. She'd have caught him, anyway. She was bright! That had been apparent pretty quickly after she'd approached him. He'd been impressed (and amused) with her witty repartee. Oh, but she hadn't been as bright as Samina, of course! If he was objective, although it was becoming awfully hard to stay that way, Di had, however, been more beautiful. He smiled, recalling just how attractive she'd been! Damn attractive! Her colouring had been completely different from Samina's, blonde with shining, and almost perpetually teasing, green eyes. He was pretty sure that they'd still be together right now, if he'd stayed on in BC. But he'd so wanted to come home, not only because he'd felt that that's where he belonged, but because of his mother. She hadn't had anyone except him. Specially now!

He and Di had made out after the party, at her urging. That probably wouldn't have happened if they hadn't both been a little drunk, she more than him. It had been a wine and cheese affair, and she'd really been going at the wine. When there had just been he and she and a handful of other students left - all the profs had left early - she'd asked him if there wasn't somewhere private that they could go. His office had been just down the hall, a dead end hall. While he'd shared it with another student, Tiger, he'd seen Tiger leave for the day.

The minute they'd gotten inside, she'd kissed him, wantonly, undone his belt, unzipped his pants and slipped her hand inside. In spite of the alcohol, he'd responded almost instantly to her touch. She'd asked which of the two desks was his. When he'd pointed it out, she'd walked over to it and cleared the centre by summarily shoving his books and papers out of the way. Several items perched at the periphery had fallen onto the floor, including a clock, a hole puncher, two books and the bulk of his research proposal. Luckily, the clock hadn't broken. The books hadn't been damaged. He'd had a feeling that even if they had, it wouldn't have been of much concern to Di. She hadn't bothered to pick anything up. Neither had he. He'd been far more interested in her activities at that moment than any of those of the criminal element, an attitude which appeared to set him apart from Samina and her devotion to her work.

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