Chapter 3: Out in the woods

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Chapter 3: Out in the woods

Tom didn't take her in far, just enough that they were in shadow. He took hold of both her hands and brought her round so that her back was against a tree. Stroking her knuckles with his thumbs, he stepped towards her, leaned down, and softly kissed her. The feel of his lips against hers was delicious. She wanted more! She went up on tiptoe to meet him, and her arms gradually circled his neck, just as they had when they'd been dancing.

Taking this as a sign that he was allowed to go further, his hands went to her waist. Gripping it firmly, he traced his tongue along her lips, before slipping it into her mouth. The sensation was electric, like nothing that she had ever felt before. She moaned. His breathing was now audible, as was hers. As he continued to kiss her, vigorously and unrestrainedly now, his hands began to roam. But unlike the dance floor, out here in the woods, it seemed that all barriers had been removed. He touched her everywhere, in places where no man had ever touched her before, eliciting more moans.

She was wearing a silk, retro dress, that she'd purchased from a second-hand shop. It had large, cloth-covered buttons down the front. He began to undo the buttons. Her hand caught his. She knew that she should stop him, but there was a problem. She didn't want to! She released his hand, and when he was done, the two sides of her dress hung open. He slipped his hands underneath and gripped her waist, his touch warm against her skin. Then he bent down and nipped at her breasts through her bra. She anticipated that he might try to push it up, but he didn't. He continued his descent, kneeling down and kissing her midriff, her navel and then startling her by continuing lower. She gasped, but didn't protest.

And then, before she could stop him, he hooked his thumbs into the edge of her underwear and slid it down off her. She cried out in shock and was about to bend down and pull it back up when the most pleasurable sensation that she had ever experienced in her life licked through her. She knew what was happening. She'd heard of it, read about it, seen it in the movies, but never had she experienced anything like it! His tongue was a delightful instrument, effectively bypassing all her efforts at self-preservation, and drowning her in a sea of pure pleasure. Her hands were slightly behind her, tightly gripping the tree. As he continued to work his magic, or at least, that's what it felt like to her, they reached for him, her fingers raking through his hair and clutching at it. And she soon found herself moving against the tree.

"Oh, Tom!" she moaned blissfully.

He stood up and whispered against her hair, "Wanna turn around?"

While she was knowledgeable in many areas, her background, her upbringing, and her lack of experience with the opposite sex, had all conspired to leave her woefully ignorant in this one. She gazed at him, clueless as to the implications of his request. Feeling as if under the influence of a potent drug, her thoughts in a complete muddle, she nodded robotically, and turned and faced the tree. His hands went to her waist to assist her.

As she waited for his next move, she heard some shuffling, and then, "Oh, damn! No safes!"

A light suddenly shone through the haze her brain was operating in. Her eyes widened in wonder, and she turned and faced him.

As her gaze met his, he murmured reassuringly, "I'm sure I have some in the truck."

Her brows creased, and she glanced down fearfully. She saw that his jeans and underwear were pushed down so that they were straddling his thighs. In their place was an object that was both alarming and fascinating. She was taken aback by its prominence. Its stance couldn't exactly be described as menacing, but it was certainly aggressive. It was pointed straight at her!

Just as she knew that the earth's outer core was liquid, without ever having observed it, she was well aware of the existence of such objects, without ever having seen one before, on a grown man that is, and certainly not in its present state. While she had no aspirations to ever actually observe the core, she had aspired to view such an object at some point in her future, but not tonight, not now! She turned shocked eyes from the astonishing looking appendage to him. The look in her eyes could not be mistaken.

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