Chapter 37: Head ache!

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This chapter is dedicated to Mystery0109 for her continuing interest in & support of the story, & for her encouraging PM's :-)!

Thank u so much, Vence! I really appreciate it :-)!


Chapter 37: Head ache!

The rest of the summer, or, at least, the next six weeks of it, passed relatively uneventfully – if one could call being madly in love with Tom and him seemingly equally in love with her and all that their mutual passion entailed, uneventful!

Speaking of passion, there was one, unfortunate development on that front. It emerged at the tail end of Samina's third visit to Tom's after they had become boyfriend-girlfriend. It was evening; she was to return to the island in a few hours. They were lying together on Tom's bed. While Tom's shirt had come off, his pants had, surprisingly, managed to remain on. Perhaps that was because they'd already gone several rounds earlier? Samina lay curled up against Tom in her underwear, just her underwear.

As they'd found themselves on his bed again and again since her arrival, she'd joked that while Tom was probably under the impression that his bed was an ordinary piece of furniture, it wasn't! Oh, yeah? Yeah! It was actually a super-massive black hole – in disguise, of course – the kind that occupied the centres of galaxies, exerting a powerful pull on every object in its vicinity. Not only that but just as dark matter held galaxies together, so a dark, mysterious and potent force bound her and Tom. She pointed out that they were lucky that the bed didn't actually consume them, the way black holes consumed stars and other celestial objects. Tom smiled, amused at her analogy, thinking that they could easily make up for that omission by consuming each other. How he longed to devour every last, delectable morsel of her! Sigh!

"I should get dinner started," he said, glancing at the clock on the bedside table.

"Oh, so soon?" she frowned. That would necessitate her removing her hand from Tom's chest! If only he hadn't been blessed with hair there! It would have been so much easier for her to part with it! She'd been revelling in the feel of it, her fingertips migrating between his right and left pecs, exploring them in a loving manner, with occasional pit stops at his nipples and the odd foray down to the top of his pants – just the top! How Tom had wanted to grab her hand on those occasions and plant it lower on himself!

Tom chuckled. "Yeah. It'll get late, otherwise." He rolled onto his side and kissed her. It turned out to be a long, drawn-out exercise, his tongue (and other parts of his body) becoming engaged (and engorged) in the process. He just didn't seem to be able to kiss her any other way – not in private, anyway!

He drew back, grinning wryly. Samina smiled, too, bashfully. Funny how that mantle of innocence that enveloped her never left her, no matter what they did. It had become part of the attraction for him, a frustrating part, but a part, nevertheless.

Tom's smile didn't last long, however. In the midst of sitting up, he cried, "Ah! Oh, fuck!" and sank back down again with a groan.

Samina saw that Tom had gone pale, quite pale. His face was contorted, as if he was in pain, his hand cupping his crotch. "What is it, Tom?" she cried fearfully, pushing herself up and kneeling beside him.

He responded in the manner men often do under such circumstances. "Nothing. It's nothing," he whispered. However, the glazed appearance of his eyes suggested otherwise!

"Nothing? Oh, Tom, tell me!" she cried, panicking.

"It's just a little pain, that's all."

"Pain? Where?"

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