Chapter 2 - Introductions

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Herb POV

It was pretty crowded, probably because it was a friday night. But aside from that I saw a few cookies who weren't drinking. It made me feel better about this place that they dont only just serve alcohol. Although what made it more alarming was Sparkling cookie who was serving us.

"What can I get for you" he smiled at us. Clover took his order, meanwhile for me I still didnt know what I wanted to drink. "Uhmm.. Just a water please." "Coming right up, say you two new around here?" Before I could even answer, a cookie with red hair, half shaved off and smelled very strongly like grape juice and looked drunk sat next to me.

"Could I get more grape juice." "Let me guess how many glasses, 4?" "Yeah, I'm very very thirsty, especially for you." "For the 100th time vampire, I'm not interested." "Oh come on, why not.." "Vampire we went through this so many times, I'm just not interested right now." "You always say that just for the next day you're already with someone."

Sparkling Cookie was well known for being a player to bunch of cookies. He could be with someone just to dump them a week after. If he really felt like it, he could get back with his ex's just to make someone else jelous.

Even though their's no telling who he could end up with next. Although that's what he usually does, other things he does is get into fights with other cookies and sometimes just get a warning for it.

He has a very bad reputation, and I dont really feel like I'll ever be involved with him though.

"Sorry for the disruption of a certain cookie, so this one is on me." After he handed us our drinks he asked me something that surprised me.

"I know you dont know me that well and I dont know you that well, but are you single?"

Before I could even answer myself, clover answered for me. "He's not interested so back off.." he told sparkling in a rude way. "Wow, feisty much." At that moment clover started glaring at him.

"Clover it's ok, if you want we go back home-" "No, that's not necessary." I can tell clover really wanted to be here, but I dont think it's best to stay, especially when he's not comfortable in this situation.

Just then Vampire broke the silence. "Can I get my grape juice now.. Any second my sister is going to appear out of no where to go get me." "Yeah do you your job instead of flirting with your stupid costumers." Clover mumbled. Sparkling heard what clover said, and already I can feel the atmosphere getting more tense.

"Sparkling can you not start making problems with cookies for atleast a second." Just then a cookie entered, they looked more sophisticated than the other two and drove all the alcohol scent away.

"You know I wont do that, besides that one right there looks cute." Sparkling whispered. I think Clover might've overheard that, because he looked even more upset after he whispered that.

As soon as clover was done with his drink, he immediately got up and dragged me out of there.

"Clover, are you ok?"
"No, no I'm not ok.." Clover snapped. "Is it because of him?"
"Yes! I didn't like that he was flirting with you.."
"Dont worry about it, atleast we left before he could make you more upset."
"I dont like it, and I dont want you anywhere near him."
"Ok I guess?"

Sparkling's POV

"Damn, what was his problem?" Mint choco asked.
"It was probably because sparkling kept trying to make him mad."
"I wasn't trying to do that at all vamp, I didnt know that whoever that guy was would be so dramatic about it."

"Well he's probably just overprotective about whoever he brung."
"I didnt even get his name!"
"I think he works at that one flower shop across the latte café"
"Mint Choco, whatever you order is covered by me."
I looked over at vampire, who was obviously just in disbelief.

Hi! This chapter didnt really take long (thankfully). Still thinking of ideas and how many chapters this whole story will have, but aside from that, hope you have a good rest of your morning/day/night/afternoon :D

Word Count: 729

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