Chapter 7 - semi-wholesome night

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Sparkling's POV

After leaving, I asked him where he wanted to go, but he didnt know. So, I shoot my shot,
"Hmm, how about we go to my place-?"

Herb just stands there and thinks.

Please say yes
Please say yes
Please say yes
Please say ye-

"-Sure, why not. Lead the way."

YES. LETS FUCKING GO- wait, That's was just step one, the easy part.
Now I have to actually convince him to sleep in the same room with me.

"Sparkling, can we go to a store, I need new shears"
"What's wrong with the ones you have?"
"I- I dont really want to explain.."
"Eh, sure. I need something for.. myyy. . Drinks."

After stopping to a nearby convenient store, herb was searching for some garden scissors while I was searching for any type of heavy juice.

Why didnt I grab some before I left my fucking bar. I guess champagne will do it. I mean, it gets non-alcoholics drunk pretty quickly after 4 or 3 glasses.
After checking out our items we head back to my place.
Herb looks around as soon as he walks in.

"So, herb. Want some champagne?"
He checks the time, "But its 11:01pm. Isnt a bit too late?"

"Its never too late to drink, unless if it's the mornings." To my disappointment, "No thanks"
I try to see if he'll give in, in any way possible.
"Are you sure? Not even like a shot?"

Herb tilts his head, "Shot?"
I pull out a shot glass, "Champagne in a tiny glass."

He hesitates for a moment then gives in. I hand him the shot of champagne. He drinks it and looks slightly disgusted. "Uhm, you can have the rest." I keep trying, "Wait wait wait. Hear me out. Because you dont drink, it tastes bad. But after a couple more tries, it'll taste better than when you first tried it."

"I just dont like the idea of drinking."
"Trust me, after like a glass or 2, it'll taste better."

"Fine, 2 glasses but that's it! The champagne you got tastes like wilting flowers covered in compost."

. . .

After a bit of staying silent, I noticed his neck again, covered in stickers.
"So.. uh- why'd you cover your neck?"

After a bit of silence he responds with, "Its not a big deal."
The question made him uncomfortable, but if it wasnt a big deal than why would I ask? But I'll just go with it, I guess.

"If it's not a big deal than why cover yourself with.. star stickers?"
He looked at me with an offended look, "Hey! Dont judge me!"
"I'm not! I'm just surprised that you would be into astronomy. "
"Well, I- . .I dont owe you an explanation of what I like."

I know hes still upset with what happened yesterday, but wow. Never knew he could get all moody all of a sudden. And be fucking adorable while acting this way.

"I'm sorry if I came of as rude, I'm just still upset about yesterday."
He doesn't play victim AND apologizes for insignificant things? EVEN BETTER.
"You're okay. Besides, I dont expect you to forgive me straight away."
He justs takes a sip of his champagne and looks away.

"So, about that white haired cookie. How'd you end up meeting him?"
He doesnt say anything. "Its ok, you dont have to answer if your not up for it." He gives in,
"No, it's not that big of a deal anyway. His name is Clover and we met when I first moved here."
"So why is he so attached to you?"
He thinks for a second, "I dont know, he was always like that."

"Dont you ever get tired of him at all? He spoke less than 100 words to me and I already find him as an annoying bitch." He laughs then goes back to a straight face,
"Well, it's not like I want to still live with him. I've been trying to find other places to go to, but everywhere I look is taken."

"Hmm, why dont you live with me?"
He starts coughing up his drink, "ME, live with YOU- [cough cough]"
I helped him out with getting some of the drink out of his throat,
"C'mon, it's not the worst idea. And I'm not as controlling as that stupid roommate of yours!"

After he calmed himself down he thinks about it for a second.
"I'll think about it later, but I dont want anymore champagne."

Well, I manage to convince herb to drink atleast 2 glasses, but after a while of talking. He only got as far as to feeling tipsy.

"Are you sure you dont want more?"
He shakes his head no, "But it's about to be 12AM."
"C'mon, just one more glass and I promise I wont ask for the rest of the night."

He accepts and tried to drink his last glass quickly.
"Calm down, we have all night for you to finish."
After drinking about half of his 3rd glass, he responds with a dizzy type tone. "I knOw but I just wannA finishhh up."

I couldnt tell if he was drunk, so I picked him up and put him down on my bed. "So herb, are you feeling tired yet?"

We sit down, side by side,
"No not really, why?"
I lean in closer to him, "I was wondering if you wanted to, oh.. I dont know, do certain things.."
I pulled him in closer to my face, hands around his waist.
"WhAt do you mEan by certaiN things?"

I slowly started positioning myself on top of him. "You know, watching something, talking, se-"
. . .
this is the most innocent minded cookie I've ever dated.

"What? No, we can sleep later. What if we-"
"But sleeping sounds like fuuuuun-uh!"
"Can we sleeeeep, pleassse. I dont clover to steal me for not sleeeeeping."

The last I feel right now is tired and yet he wants to sleep. It's only 12:31am. It's way too early for me.
But it's either this or he leaves to go back to that controlling white haired cunt. Or maybe hes too drunk to walk home, so I could try.

"Herb it's not that late. Besides, you're not even tired yet."
He looks at me with that stupid but cute look to get something you want.

"Fineee, I guess we can sleep."
I turn him over so herb's laying on top of me. "Yaaay, what did you wanted to do anyway?"
"Eh, we'll do it next time. Besides, you cant consent when you're drunk."
"What do you mean?"
"It means shut your eyes and sleep!"

- next day -

Herb's POV

Glass shatters, "FUCK-"

I wake up to a loud noise, a headache, and a clock telling me that it's 10AM. After trying to recollect my memories of whatever happened yesterday night, I was looking around for my phone. And realised I left it in my room. I didnt want to get up yet since my head hurts so much, till sparkling walked in. "Are you finally awake yet-"

I turned over the other way. "Aww so you are awake. Alright let's get up."
Just then, he picks me up in his arms. "Heeey!"
"I know your head is probably killing you, but you can always just walk it off. Or just take pain killers."

Word count: 1233

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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