chapter 3 - hesitation

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Herb POV

It was the next day just for clover to still be upset. "Goodmorning clover."
Clover would usually greet me back, but he just stayed silent. "Are you ok?" I couldn't help but ask. "Yeah I'm ok." "If this is about last night, I'm telling you its ok!" Clover still looked upset.

"Just be careful.." Clover warned me before I left for work. I reassured him that I'll be ok for the 5th or 4th time.

~time skip~

It was around 10am when the store was empty, so I just thought to go on a small break just for someone to come in last second. To my surprise, sparkling cookie came in. "Hello my sexy cookie, say, I never got your name?" When he told me the question he could tell I was blushing a bit.

"My name is herb cookie.."
"Herb? Hm, well herb, would you maybe want to go get something with me at the café over there?"

I felt unsure going with him, but I thought twice about his invitation. Besides what could go wrong. The only thing I just dont need to do is tell clover.
"Uhmm, sure why not, but after my shift."

~time skip ~ at the café ~

Even though my flower shop was right across the café, I never really had any intention to go in or even give this place a try.

"Hello what can I-.." The waitress stopped her sentence midway as soon as they saw sparkling. "Didn't you say that you would never come back here?" The waitress glared sparkling down. "Let me be more specific." "I would never come back here with you."

The waitress looked a bit frustrated, a little bit after they went to go get someone else to take our order.

After we took our order it didnt take long for us to finish. Although it hasn't been long in the cafe, it felt like I was talking to sparkling for hours. Overall having a great time talking to him.

Then he asked me, "I have a small question, who was that you were with yesterday?"
"Oh his name is name is Clover, I'm sorry if we caused any trouble."
"Not at all." Meanwhile we were finishing up, we just stared at eachother for a minute, then I snapped back into reality. And checked the time.

It was 9:52pm. At this point I thought to just go back home now before clover gets even more worried. "Its about to be 10pm, I better get going."  "Hey before you go could I uh.. get your number?" Now thats two secrets to hide from clover, but lucky for me clover probably won't look through my phone. "Uh, sure!" After we exchanged numbers I left. A little bit later I was stopped by non other than Clover.

Clover POV

It was about to be 10pm and herb still hasn't came back from work. I'm still thinking on whether or not I should go check on him or wait till he comes back, but at this point I think I'm just going to look for him.

~Time skip~

As soon as I got around the Flower shop I stopped to see in the distance, herb talking to sparkling. After a while of seeing them talking, herb starting leaving. As soon as sparkling left herb, I stopped herb. "What were you doing talking to him..." Herb looked surprised to see me, especially since he didnt expect me to come all the way out here to go get him.

"Uhh.. nothing much.." I wasn't letting this slide. "What did he say to you?" "It was nothing. All he did was just take me to the cafe and-" "Didnt I told you not to interact with him!?" I snapped at him. "I know but he wasnt honestly that bad." "Wasn't that bad? Herb, he's just tricking you to believing he's good and he's changed, BUT in reality he never changed a single bit!"

I tried to calm down. Since I was scaring herb a little. "How do you know! He could change and you just dont know it yet!" "Sure. Sure he has." After I said that herb just stormed off. But It was hard to believe that sparkling would ever change, knowing that he's been acting like that for a long time. As soon as we got home, herb just went straight to his room and locked his door. I can't tell if I went to far or not. I guess I'll just hope that tomorrow wont be as rough as it was for me today.

Hi again! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter like the others, and I'll try to keep updating the story often when I still can. Anyway I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/day/night. I shall see you soon :D

Word count: 809

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