chapter 6 - 2nd chances?

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I've been dead for too long
Now to continue what I started U.U

Clover POV

I know he said not to bother him, but I just want to ask him something. I knock on his door. No answer. I keep knocking. Still no answer. I look under the door and I see him laying on the floor covered in.. red liquid!? I try kicking his door down, Over and over again. After kicking his door open, I looked down to see herb laying there bleeding out.

By the time I get him out the door he may not wake up and we dont have anh bandages on stand by. So I had to quickly improvise.

I got the bloody shears from the ground and started cutting leaves off plants. Then putting it against his cuts to try and prevent anymore blood from going out.

Soon after I tried to cure his wounds the best of my abilities.

------------ le time skip ---------------

After almost what felt like an entire year. He woke up. Herb sits up, trying to regain focus. "Why would you do something like this to yourself."
He starts crying, "your right.. he was already with someone else." Sparkling was the reason for him to do this. I still dont see why when something bad happens, the first thing that he does is hurt himself. And hurting yourself because a guy rejected you is.. upsetting.

"Herb, you almost killed yourself because you got rejected..?" He looks away. "Herb, that's a stupid reason to do that to yourself. You know, you could've just cried it all out and moved on instead of doing something to put your life on the line." He starts leaving. "IM JUST SAYING! THINK BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING STUPID-"

Herb POV

Why is clover so mean. I wouldn't mind hearing what he just said after a while it has happened. BUT NOT RIGHT NOW. "Herb!"

Dont know, dont care.

The last thing I want to see infront of me is sparkling or clover. Maybe, I can stay with my parents for a bit.

. . .

I think I lost him, I'm not sure but I just want to see anyone else in my life aside from.. THEM. I look up and realized that I'm in the forest. Maybe I'll meet fig? A little while later, I did meet fig.

"Oh, hi-hi! It's been a while!" And right after, fig hugged me. I felt somewhat let loose of some of my struggles. The last time someone has hugged me felt like forever ago.. "are you alright?" I shake my head no. "Hm, dont worry about it. Though if I had to make a guess, did clover and some other cookie had something to do with it?"

"Wait- How did you know?"
"Word spreads around fast. No one really pays attention to me anymore, so I just stay here and view what other cookies are doing from a distance!"

That creeps me out more. "By your expression, your a little uncomfortable. Hm, want me to take you home?"
With little thought in mind, I accepted fig's offer. Even if clover is going to be there. I'm going to have to face him at one point anyway.

. . .

After a while of dead silence, "Soooo.. how have you and spar-"
"Please dont mention his name."

"You do know that clover does have a point y'know? You and spar- I mean, him could've talked it out without anyone getting hurt."
I was about to walk away from fig till they got infront of me.
"Wait, I'm sorry. I can tell you anything after all this has blown over, not right now. I'm sorry.

I just want to lock myself in my room permanently. Why does stuff like this always happen to me. Why is it when its times when I feel upset the world makes it worse.
"Just, Please take me home."

. . .

After a while, I'm finally back home.
And after locking myself in my room again, I check my phone and see what felt like hundreds of notifications from sparkling. He kept bombarding me with either calls or texts.
I cant tell if I should hear him out or just block him.

Then I remembered fig's words,
"I mean, him could've talked it out-."
With that message in mind, I decided to hear him out.

🌿: Fine
      You can explain yourself

🥂: I was planning to breakup with cheesecake sooner
It's just I barely get to see her because of how busy she is
And I was going to I promise
Besides you know that you're the only one on my mind rn

🌿: That's hard to believe

🥂: just give me another chance to make it up to you
And if I fail
Then you can forget about me and I'll never bother you again
Sound good?????

🌿: fineee
One last chance

🥂: thx babe
You won't regret it ;)
After a couple minutes later, I heard knocking on my door.
"When will you ever leave me alone."
"I just want to apologize for what I said to you this morning. Even though I was right, I'm sorry."
"Just leave!"

. . .

After back and forth yelling at clover to just leave me alone. I snuck out of my window to go see sparkling.
Might as well get his interaction over with sooner than later.
Sparkling's POV

I dont see any grape juice in the glass sitting right infront of meeeeee-"

"Vampire cookie, if you dont shut up, I'm going to throw away every ounce of grape juice in this bar."

"Wow. So rude. What's got you so worked up anyway?"

- silence -

"So are you talking to your one night stand?"

"Shut up. Besides I'm busy trying to check if hes okay. I haven't seen the flower shop open at all today. So I'm just worried."

Vampire cookie just sipped on another drink that was near him, "Mhm, he sure means nothing to you at all."

"Shut up, I just want to know if hes okay, I dont actually care."

. . "Sure. That's definitely the case-"


Just then, one of the doors open. And herb walked in, slightly upset while covering his neck with.. stickers?

Before I could say anything, vampire broke the silence. "What happened to your neck?"

"Vampire cookie! We don't ask overly sensitive questions to cookies you dont even know-"
"Damn, calm down."

Herb didnt respond.
"So, are you still with that girl?"

"No, I promise you that I ended things off with her. She didnt mean anything to me to begin with. Her money was what I was after in our entire relationship!"

Herb just stares in disbelief.
Not long after, vampire cookie breaks the silence, "Good first impression, he'll definitely want you now-"
I started walking over to vamp before getting pulled back by herb.
"Let's just go somewhere else. I mean, you didnt really open this place up today anyway."

After leaving, I asked him where he wanted to go but he didnt know. So shoot my shot,
"hmm, how about we go to my place~?"

Word count: 1189

I can't decide... || Sparkling cookie x herb cookieWhere stories live. Discover now