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The birth of Rhaenyra's second son occurred two years following the arrival of Jacaerys Velaryon. It was a turbulent labor, a terrible storm raged outside the Red Keep, rain poured loudly, and the wind howled within its walls. 

Despite the difficult childbirth, the babe arrived amidst the tempest, bringing some relief to the rumors circulating among common folk and nobility, rumors that had cast doubt on Jacaerys's legitimacy and him being a Strong bastard. At least until Rhaenyra gave birth to two more sons, Lucerys and Joffrey. Even Queen Alicent Hightower felt reassured when she first laid eyes on the child, seeing tufts of silver and bright eyes, allaying any concern about dark hair.

Maegor Velaryon, bore pure Targaryen features, so much so that new rumors were stirring as time slowly passed and he grew into a fine young boy. As he grew, whispers circulated anew, suggesting that he might be the illegitimate offspring of an affair between Daemon Targaryen and Rhaenyra. He bore a striking resemblance to the Rogue Prince, with one notable exception - his heterochromatic eyes. His right eye was lilac, while his left was cornflower blue.

Unlike the Cruel tyrant he was named after, Maegor was was a quiet, studious child, displaying a penchant for knowledge and swordplay. He was often considered a shy loner, persistently hounded by his brothers for declining to join their antics and pranks. Yet beneath his composed exterior, a driven character simmered, accompanied by something darker lurking behind his mesmerizing eyes.

Despite his remarkable qualities, the brilliant Prince, as the maesters affectionately dubbed him, had not yet bonded with a dragon. Like his uncle Aemond, he was frequently taunted about this by his brothers and older uncle Aegon. He had received his first dragon egg, but it failed to hatch, and the second egg rotted away. Maegor chose not to request another egg, preferring to remain dragonless rather than face further disappointment.

In their childhood, the children of Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent shared a degree of closeness, growing up together, studying together, and training together. However, this fragile bond was shattered as quickly.

The day Laena Velaryon died and both families gathered to Driftmark to pay their homage to her was the day Aemond Targaryen claimed her former dragon and lost his left eye to Lucerys Velaryon marking the fraying of whatever fragile bond was left between the two family branches.

 It was also the day Maegor met Daemon Targaryen, forever changing his life.

The young Princeling never took part in the squabble that turned violent. He was in bed staying up late to read a book like he always did, in the light of a candle. It was only when he started hearing incoherent shouting that he let his curiosity get the best of him and led him into the Hall of Nine where he saw his two brothers, Lucerys and Jacaerys all bruised up, fearfully hiding behind their mother and Aemond's bloody and mutilated face who was holding a defiant gaze towards them, seemingly unbothered by the pain of having his eye sliced out and the wound stitched up.

"It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon." Aemond said proudly.

Something awoke inside Maegor hearing his uncle's words that night, he couldn't sleep at all for the next few days. Aemond's audacious act of claiming a Conqueror's dragon, the last remnant of Old Valyria, at the tender age of fifteen unconsciously stirred something in his younger nephew's mind forever. He couldn't tell if it was awe, admiration, envy or everything at once or something else. 

The next day watching Vhagar's giant form become minuscule on the horizon was the last time he saw Aemond. Maegor felt a peculiar bitterness, regretting that he hadn't spent more time with his uncle while their families were still united, despite their differences. 

However, his introspection was short-lived. Days later, his supposed father, Laenor Velaryon, died in a sudden blaze. Maegor did not grieve as one might expect even if he always treated him and his mother kindly. He knew about Laenor's true inclinations, and as much as his mother fought to secure her children's legitimacy, Maegor was aware of the impossibility of Laenor being his biological father.

Maegor's suspicions were confirmed when shortly after Laenor's funeral, Daemon married his mother in a traditional Valyrian wedding and he was officially legitimized as Daemon's trueborn son on the same day making him Prince Maegor Targaryen, second of his name, future Prince of Dragonstone and heir of the Iron Throne, third in line after his mother, Rhaenyra and older brother, Jacaerys.

For an eleven-year-old, the changes were overwhelming. It was a lot to take in, but Maegor gradually adjusted to all the sudden changes. He grew closer to his father, Daemon who took a personal interest in Maegor's education and combat training. Even if their mother loved all of them equally, Maegor receiving such obvious favoritism from the only father figure in their life made Jace, Luke and Joffrey grow colder towards him. They never felt any hatred towards their silver haired brother but they excluded him from their activities, some times more obvious than others, uniting more closely with each other. Back then Maegor didn't mind being cast aside by his brothers that much like he probably should've. He had his father's guidance. This however would be something he'd regret as he grew up into a man.

Even if he was yet to claim a dragon after two failed attempts of making an egg hatch, Daemon often brought him out to ride Caraxes with him and show him the ways of a dragonrider, both on dragonback and on land. Those were his favorite times in his childhood. Being able to touch the clouds even if it was not his own dragon and he was not flying alone. Not having to hear the constant whispers around him whether or not would he turn out just as rogue and dangerous as his father or maybe worse, not feeling the envious stares of his brothers and constant teasing, not hearing the concerned words and nagging of his mother.

It was almost peaceful, even with a shadow starting to loom from King's Landing all the way to Dragonstone.

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