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"Maegor, I am asking you to think carefully about your choice and reconsider."

"What is done is done. Like I told my father before, my decision is final."

"He is not good for you, my son. Aemond is a dangerous and unpredictable man. You are still young, you will have plenty to choose from."

"Aemond is to me what Daemon is to you. You never gave up on father even after you were forced to marry someone else. I will lay my claim on no one else, but the Prince."


"I am truly sorry to disappoint both you and father but I cannot sway my heart and I refuse to even try."

"Please just think about what I said."

"No mother. Aemond is not the cruel man you think he is. My brothers hate him because he finally retaliated after years of tormenting. Maybe if you could see how kind he treats me you would change your mind."

"If only you had your father's heart as well, my son. We are both cursed to love too deeply and I pray you will not endure the same pain as I have."

"If it's pain that I have to go through to get what I desire then I will gladly embrace it with open arms."

"Maegor, be very careful."


The smell of charred flesh and burning wood knocks the air out of Maegor's lungs. His trembling hands are gripping tightly on the chains around Saagael's neck as the dragon circles around the destroyed enemy fleet. But the Prince is not trembling out of fear, adrenaline is surging throughout every inch of his body setting. He feels all the goosebumps tingling on his hot skin.

Everything was over just as quick as it started, in the blink of an eye. The screams and cries of men from minutes ago is replaced by an eerie silence and pungent smoke filling the air even through the rain that finally starts pouring.


Maegor inhales and exhales deeply several times, grounding himself back to reality again. He can rejoice in his small victory later, his dragon and him are still behind enemy lines. It was just a matter of time until news and proof of their attack would reach the Triarchy's ears and with it, retaliation was imminent.

However, until then he had to take advantage of the element of surprise. The presence of dragonriders was still unknown by the enemy. Maegor has to act fast and give the Seasnake's men the much needed rest like he promised, until they're ready for battle again.

Even if he cannot win the war alone by dwindling the numbers of ships and men like this, the Prince knows it might tip the scale slightly in their favor. The morale of an army matters as much as their training, he had to thank his father for teaching all his war strategies when he would return to Dragonstone. With Maegor wreaking havoc atop of Saagael the fear will creep into the core of Triarchy just as abruptly as their arrival. If he can break their minds first he will break them fully.

Instead of turning back to Seasnake's outpost the Prince urges Saagael further, going high up in the storm clouds again, to conceal their presence. It does not take long until Maegor barely spots several ships, scattered on the rough waters, this time around a small island where a camp was established. Not the Triarchy's main fortress but this would have to do, taking on the main enemy base alone is suicide. Maegor might be a madman but he is not stupid. Even if he's already taking huge risks, the Prince needs to play it safe.

Love Is The Death Of Duty • Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now