Shadows Of The Past

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Sebastian sat comfortably back against the chair he was sat in, he wasn't sure if it was the heat from the fire, the fire whiskey in his hand or the present company but he felt more relaxed then he had in ages. Martin watched his bond mate from his seat with a smile, he didn't need magic or instincts to know his mate was beginning to feel more at home. Suddenly he was aware of another presence beside him.

"What troubles you Harry? "asked Martin warmly as he motioned for Harry to sit with them.

Harry sat on the only free chair and began speaking to the two men he'd quickly come to think of as family, he told them of what he'd seen on the balcony and then about his encounter with Malfoy.

"Musai, that explains a great deal" sighed Sebastian as Martin nodded.

"A Musai?" asked Harry confusedly

"A very dangerous Wesen, usually they are female but some males get the gift. The can control and influence any person they touch, they can inspire great minds but at a cost their influence causes madness and eventually death" explained Martin

"Explains Minster Fudge" said Harry as they both looked at him so he told them of Lucius Malfoys influence.


As the morning light crept though the windows of the Leaky Cauldron Sean lay beside Nick with a smile, though they were yet to take their relationship further he was happy enough. Content to just lay there his morning plans were interrupted when a loud knocking awoke the man beside him. Nick was quick to rise as Harry burst into the room, Sean pulls himself up within the bed as a paper is thrown down upon the bed.

"Front page" said Harry as Sean picked up a copy of what he recognized to be the daily prophet.

' Heir of Gryffindor returns

The once beloved line of Godric Gryffindor seemed to once again been resurrected but is there poison within?

Has the Ministry been keeping a secret from us all?

Could this be the end of all we know?

Reeter Skeeter will reveal all'

Sean growled as he crumpled up the paper and threw it into the fireplace.

"That woman is a nightmare" growled Sean again as he was joined by the others who sat down in various seat around the room.

"it would seem that the cauldron isn't as safe as we would have hoped" said Sebastian as the others agreed.

"I have a residence within the alley, but it's my belief that its best that Harry should head to the Weasley's as he usual would. Molly and Arthur have many ways to keep that woman out of his life" said Sean as Nick and Harry both nodded.

"Though for now I believe we should see to getting Harrys school supplies and surviving this weekend with Molly" laughed Sean as Sebastian, Martin and Harry agreed.

The group soon separated leaving Nick and Sean alone, taking Nick's hand Sean led him back to bed. Stripping down to their boxers both men settled back down to catch a few hour sleep.


Unfortunately the early morning article had been a foreshadowing of the day, the mood of Diagon Alley was that of fear, mistrust and suspicion. It wasn't long until they found out why, the group was stood in Flourish and Blotts looking over Harrys book list when they over heard two witches talking.

"Have you heard?"

"No what?"

"Sirius Blacks been seen close by"

"Personally I wont let any of the children go out alone until he's back in Azkaban"

Nick was lost in the book he was looking at when he suddenly felt something was up, looking up he could hear Sean growling, his jaw clenched and tiny ripples moved under his skin. Nick knew his soon to be mate better than most, it wasn't like him to let his control slip. Even as small as this could mean problems with his life. Placing a hand on his arm snapped his attention back to Nick, indicating for them to leave Sean nodded and followed.

Nick let Sebastian know before they headed out of the shop and for a walk though the street, they came to a stop at an out of the way nuck. The sun was out but the cold air made Nick pull his jacket on tighter.

"Talk to me Sean, don't tell me your ok. I watched you slip that's not you" said Nick calmly as he watched Sean tense before he sagged.

"You have to understand my history here" said Sean with a sigh as he motioned with his hand at the street.

"Growing up as a half breed Royal was hard, when I got my letter I though things would be worse here being a half breed again. I wasn't prepared to find friends here let alone a place in the world, when I was 13 and the queen forced my mother to flee James and the others were a source of comfort and support for me. At Hogwarts no one cared about my differences, if anything the Zauberbiest within me was a great source of interest to many. Lilly used to love asking me about my past and about what it means to be Wesen or Royal. For once in my life I felt proud of who I was.

James and the others loved to learn about the magic I could cast or the Zaubertrank that I could make. Even though my connection to Hexen Magic wasn't as strong as Sebastian's it was still good enough for them. Even as a Slytherin we would joke about being enemies until there was a test.

James taught me to fly like he could, I was a good flyer but James could just do it. To him it was as natural as breathing, something I believe Harry has inherited. I must admit I'm looking forward to seeing him play" an almost proud smile formed on Sean's face making Nick feel that his choice to start something with him was the right choice. Taking his hand in his own Nick let Sean continue.

"When they war came James and Lilly didn't hesitate to stand up to Voldemort, despite his nature James was a born leader. Witch, Wizard, Wesen and Muggle alike followed him into battle. The day the new came of their death broke us all, if it hadn't been for Harry surviving and Voldemort fading way we would have fallen apart. We were still picking up the pieces when the news of Sirius arrest spread though the community, many were quick to condemn him but those of us knew him well never excepted it.

We fought but people were still hurting and just wanted to forget everything. Still to this day I believe an innocent man went to jail, I've fought for years and poured a lot of money into it but every time the Ministry somehow stonewalls it" sighed Sean sadly.

"You didn't let him down, you fought for him, you survived a war, the death of your friends, the almost extinction of your people and still too couldn't forget him. Everything you did honored James and Lilly's memory as well as fighting for him" said Nick as he hugged Sean.

"I know I just hate hearing people speaking about him like a monster" sighed Sean as Nick squeezed his hand.

"If he comes looking for Harry or you we will be ready. But if he's beyond help Sean I will protect Harry and you" said Nick, Sean got the meaning behind his words as the underlying prickles of the Grimm within danced over his senses.

"HEY YOU TWO THE SCARY ONE SAID HURRY UP" yelled Ron from close by, Nick and Sean laughed as they began walking back toward the group.

"Which one did he mean Sebastian or Molly?" whispered Nick with a laugh.

"Not sure but I'm not brave enough to ask" laughed Sean as he took Nicks hand as they rejoined the other now joined by the Weasley's.

Everyone was talking about the weekend, it seemed that it was only Harry who noticed the changed in his uncle when he was around Sean or that he was stood their hand in hand with him. A smile broke out over his face as the future seemed brighter for him and he was happy for his uncle.

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