Judgment Day

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Once the shock of the meeting settled the group sat down to eat.

"Wow I've never seem mum so diplomatic, usually she yells, she scolds or she stares you down. You'd think she was a Malfoy or something the way she reacted" laughed Ron in shock.

"Oh believe me your mother is a force to be reckoned with" laughed Sean, Sebastian and Martin as Ron blushed.


As the evening wore to an end Sebastian hung back, he watched Harry bid Ron and Hermione good night as they retired to their rooms for the night. After kissing Martin and reassuring him he'd join him soon, he waited until Harry and Nick were alone before approaching them.

"May I speak with you both?" asked Sebastian as he sat down beside them.

"As you are more aware the your uncle Harry, the laws here are different to the Muggle world.

I know that beyond the word of my kinsman you have no reason to trust me, but I couldn't face myself or Sean again if I let you both walk into the Ministry's witch hunt alone.
Beyond that I have had the honour of calling James and Lilly both friends and clan, it would be my honour to aid you in returning what was James and Lillys to you both" said Sebastian as Nick and Harry nodded.

"Thank you Sebastian, I believe that in the morning we should speak more" said Nick as they all parted and headed to sleep.


Sebastian couldn't sleep, his mind was to unsettled instead he made the decision to take a few matters into his own hands. That was why he now found himself stood in the Ministry's Heritage Archives, after flashing both his Muggle and Wizarding I'D at the security to gain access he wondered round the darkened stacks.

"Working late I see" chuckled a friendly voice making Sebastian jump.
"Arthur you started me mon amie" laughed Sebastian nervously.

"Forgive me, it seems the Grimm made quite the impression on Molly"

"He nothing like the tales of old but everything his bloodline tells us he would be, just like Mr Potter.
That's why I'm here, the Wizengamot will not be kind to him or Harry. So I'm doing some final research into the Potter and Gryffindor lines, I'm hoping to find something to aid them" sighed Sebastian as the tiredness he'd been avoiding started to set in.

"I may have been looking over a few old cases, a few financial links to some of the raids, a few blood link you know things that could have been over looked" said Arthur as he passed something to Sebastian.

"You might find the Hogwarts reports most interesting. Good night Sebastian" said Arthur with a small bow before leaving Sebastian alone.


Sean awoke with the waking light, sitting with his coffee he watched the world outside. Despite the lovely weather a dark cloud settled over Sean, he knew this world, he knew these laws and he knew Sebastian had been at the Ministry most of the night.

He knew they needed help and he knew there was only place he was going to get it, so after showering and pulling on clean Muggle clothing Sean headed out towards the streets.

Passing Martin on the way he informed him of his plans, just as Sean expected of his long time friend Martian refused to allow him to do it alone.

So after leaving some indication of their intention with Tom for when both Nick and Sebastian asked, Sean and Martian found a remote spot before Portkeying back to Portland. They landed with a small thud and after they straightened out their clothing they head off.

Though The Looking Glass Book 1: Thicker Then Blood (Grimm/Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now