Fear Of The Unknown

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3 Day Earlier

"A no-account good for nothing, lazy scrounger who..."

Everything within Harry was pulsing with anger as Marge spoke, pulling apart everything his parents were or could have been and all without knowing them. Then came the comment about his father and that was the last straw, turning to face the vile woman Harry was ready to finally speak up.

"HE WAS NOT" yelled Harry suddenly as the room fell deathly silent.

"More Brandy Marge" interrupted Vernon as he tried to redirect the conversation

"You boy go to bed, go now off with you" snarled Vernon but Marge waved her hand and looked at Harry as a wolf would look at prey.

"Go on boy, proud of your parents are you? they go and get themselves killed in a car crash, drunk I expect......"

"they didn't die in a car crash" spat Harry as the woman stood, her face going red with anger.

"They died in a car crash you nasty little liar, and they left you to be a burden on their decent, hard working relatives. You are an insolent, ungrateful little..."

Suddenly as Marge's rant became more venomous Harry saw it as if seeing her true nature, it was just a second but it was enough. Her face shifted as if water ran just under the skin, before morphing into what Harry believed to be a pig like creature before changing back. Before Harry could speak Marge's face went from an almost violent red color to white as a sheet, as the glass she'd been holding hit the ground with a deafening smash.

"Ggggg GRIMM Vernon, that bitch never told you he was a Grimm. By our ancestors...." screeched Marge.

Harry despite not understanding what had happened had realized whatever had just happen wasn't going to end well, so quickly he shot up to his room and packing his trunk at speed he was soon down the stairs and out the door before Marge had finished. Harry was several streets away before he realized that he was in quite a pickle, he was out at night alone, with no money beyond his wizarding cash at the bottom of his trunk, he couldn't go back after all that had happened and going to London was far beyond his means.

Sighing Harry was stuck on what to do until he remembered something Hermione had mentioned in passing sometime ago, she'd brought it up after the Weaslys daring rescue of him they year before. Raising his wand he let spark slightly casting no spell before slipping it back into his pants and waiting. Seconds later a loud crack could be heard before a large purple bus pulled up before him.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard" said the conductor as Harry smiled to himself silently thanking Hermione before getting on board and heading toward the Leaky Cauldron from there he'd figure out his next move.


Harry's mind was a wash with confusing thoughts as the Knight Bus came to a halt outside the Leaky Cauldron's entrance, dragging his trunk behind him as he departed he watched as the bus disappeared quite literally into the night before entering the pub. Harry was surprised when Tom accompanied by Madam Rosemerta met him at the door.

"Ah master Potter we've been awaiting your arrival, I hope the journey on the Knight Bus was a pleasant one" commented Tom as he spelled Harry's trunk to float behind them as they walked.

"You were waiting for me?" asked Harry confusedly as he was ushered into a room were another older man was stood beside the window.

"Giving the nature of your fame Mr Potter we have always had a number of people keeping watch upon you over the years" said the older male as he motioned for Harry to sit on the couch beside the fire.

Though The Looking Glass Book 1: Thicker Then Blood (Grimm/Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now