Hopes and Fears

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Nick was beyond drained as he and the others return to the leaky cauldron, he smiled as he entered the in to find Harry sat at a table with two others that he recognised as his friends Hermione and Ron.

He was also happy to see that Harry had found and was wearing the gift he had left him earlier that morning, Walking over Nick smiled at Harry as he sat down in the empty seat beside him.

"Nick your back, how was it? I hope the Dursley's where not too unpleasant to you all?" asked Harry as Nick didn't miss the look of concern that crossed Harry's face.

"Actually we learnt a lot more than I thought we would but more about that later, tonight we are celebrating and last thing we need to talk about is them" said Nick making Harry smile as Ron and Hermione look on with interest.

"So you must be the famous Hermione Granger and the infamous Ron Weasley" laughed Nick as Hermione and Ron tried to hide their embarrassment.

"You must be detective burkhardt?" said Hermione as she composed herself before offering her hand to Nick.

"Nick please, I'm glad to know Harry has such loyal friends. I'm gathering they will be joining us this evening Harry?" ask Nick making Harry look at him as if no one had asked him that before.

"If that's ok said Harry?" asked Harry nervously as NIck just smiled at him before leaning over and hugging Harry.

"That's no problem Harry, I'll let Sean, Sebastian and Martin know that they will be joining us. I'll see you later and by the way Harry, I'm glad you liked your present" said Nick has he got up and left the table.


As he left Harry and headed towards where Tom the innkeeper was busy serving someone, as he got closer he realised it was Sean who was waiting for him. As he approached Sean smiled as he moved away from the bar before he lent forward to address Nick.

"Martin and Sebastian have gone off to their room to spend sometime together before this evening, after today I thought you and I could get something to eat and maybe you will tell me what's really going on in your head. After all I know you well enough to know today has got into you.

But before you say it hasn't, remember I have Monroe's number on speed dial" Nick huffed and grumbled under his breath before agreeing to follow Sean up to his room.

Nick sat on the bed as Sean disappeared in the bathroom to change, once he emerged Nick was taken back at the sight before him. Sean was dressed in a casual blue shirt and jeans, pouring out two drinks Sean offered one to Nick before the both sat down to eat.

"Talk to me" said Sean to no one in particular as they began to eat.

Nick sighed as he sat back, rubbing his face he then rested his elbows on the table before he spoke.

"I don't know what to tell you, seeing the way Harry's been treated it make me wonder what life could have been like if my foster parents hadn't taken me in?"

Sean knew some parts of Nick's past, he knew like most about the crash that had taken his parents leaving him in his aunts care. What others didn't know was how she abandoned him, though now Nick had come to realise that most of that was due to raising a child getting in the way of her Grimm dutys .

Sean knew about Nick's past run in with Portland's finest, he also knew the officer that took pity on a lost young man who needed a loving hand.

Detective Henry Morgan had been the one to taken Sean under his wing when he'd been a rookie, Nick couldn't have had a better parent in Sean's mind. Kneeling down in front of Nick Sean took his hands in his before he spoke

"The pain you both share is also one that unites you both, the common ground that has a loud you both to build a bond that's no other has.

It's that bond that will lay the foundations for the family you will become" said Sean with a sigh as the memories of his own broken family.

Suddenly something within Nick crumbled as Nick felt a flood emotions he'd been hiding away, pulling his hand from Sean's Nick raised his hand to Sean's face.

"You are a better man then any member of you're family could ever be I understand that now, over the past few years you've become less of a boss to me and more family. I doubt I would have survived as long as I have with out yours or Monroe's guidance.

I just wish I'd have opened my eyes sooner, then maby I'd have seen somethings sooner and realised what it cost you to offer them"

With that Nick lent forward until their lips met, the kiss was brief but it finally broke the growing tention between the two men.


After Nick's departure Harry sat back in his chair before sighing, Ron and Hermione watched his movements before following him to his room.

They sat in the comfortable chairs beside the fire as Harry sat himself down beside the window, the look upon his face worried them both.

"Harry what's wrong?" asked Hermione as they both turned their attention to Harry.

"I'm worried about Nick, I know its only been a short time but I really trust him and I believe him when he say's he wants to be a family. But I'm worried that the hearing won't go in our favour, too much was hidden around our families and I'm beginning to believe the Ministry is against us. I don't want to give up my magic but I can't just forget about Nick" sighed Harry sadly


Nick's heart was still pounding in his chest as he and Sean separated, Nick gripped Sean's hand as he went to stand instead he looked Nick in eyes before he spoke.

"I know that the smart thing to do would be to end this before it begins, we are of two different world's and because of that we should despise each other but in all my years your the only one whose treated me with any kindness"

"You've had my heart from the first day I laid eyes on you, I don't known what the future holds Sean but I'd at least like to give us a go" said Nick as he and Sean shared another kiss before Sean stood and pulled Nick into a hug.

Though The Looking Glass Book 1: Thicker Then Blood (Grimm/Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now