Chapter 6

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The sound of weak moaning and groaning reverberated in the chambers. Princess Rhaenyra was the source of it, sweaty and weak. Beside her sat her husband Daemon Targaryen, holding her hand and whispering comforting words to her. "And push," a woman said. Sucking in a breath Rhaenyra gave one push. "And again," the woman said. She gave another, "another" the woman said.

"A head," another younger woman said. With one more push, Rhaenyra's body slumped, heavy pants falling from her lips. "Praise the mother," the younger woman said as the child began to wail. She reached out for the baby, exhausted but smiling. She took the baby in her arms and held it gently and protectively.

"A girl" Prince Daemon smiled as he looked at his wife and newborn daughter.

"How is she?" the Princess asked.

"Kicking like a goat princess" the younger woman smiled. Rhaenyra's smile only widened, nuzzling and cuddling her child.

The sound of doors opening and closing were heard and after a few second an older man and a much younger woman than he stood there. "What happy news this morning," the King said, striding closer to his daughter. He was all smiling. "Where is my grandchild?"

"Granddaughter, brother" Daemon had taken the child from Rhaenyra's arms with the utmost care and spoke with a smile that not many could claim to have seen on the man's face. "It's a healthy girl."

"A girl!" the King exclaimed, accepting the child from his brother, "there she is. A beautiful Princess. The realm would be smitten by her beauty, not before long" the King walked to the side, rocking the babe gently."

"Does she have a name yet?" the Queen asked.

"Visenya" the mother answered, much to the delight of the King.

"When Aemma was with child, Rhaenyra wanted to name her sister Visenya" he laughed, yet a hint of sadness remained in his eyes. "She has her mother's nose" he looked at his brother and daughter with a smile.

"She does" the father chuckled, his hand and Rhaenyra's holding the other. "But I must insist that we let the Princess rest for now. Your daughter has exerted herself beyond anything either of us could even comprehend."

"Yes, yes of course" the King smiled, allowing the Queen to take the babe from him. He approached his daughter next. "I do hope the labour was easy," he asked gently, holding her hand tightly, almost as if letting her go would mean losing the most precious thing to him in this world.

"I... I think I called the midwife a cunt" the Princess replied, looking between her father and her child who was with the Queen and her husband now.

"Oh," the King's lips curved into a smile, as did Rhaenyra's, both amused by what she had said. The man leaned down and kissed his daughter on the head and embraced her.

A raven as white as snow cawed softly before it took flight, unnoticed by the rest of the room.


It was a while later when the Princess and her husband had returned to their chambers, where three people awaited them. One was a handsome boy with dark purple eyes that looked almost black and silver hair as pale as snow. He was a lean boy of seven, showing signs that he would be a tall man in the future.

The other was a boy of six with silver-gold hair, a striking lad but not as handsome as his older brother. He bore the eyes of his mother, a lighter shade compared to his brother and father.

The third was a handsome, tall and well-built man, similar in age to the Princess if not a year or so older. His long brown hair was tied into a messy bun on his head. His eyes were a startling crimson, though in his youth they were ever brighter.

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