Chapter 7

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The people were gathered, dressed in black. The body of Aegon Targaryen, the eldest male child of King Viserys and Queen Alicent, Heir to the Iron Throne was placed on the fire of wood and stick, wrapped tightly in clean strips of bandages. The King's other children were there as well, Aemond stuck to his mother's side while Helaena stood with her father. Rhaenyra was at the front as well, with her own family. In her arms was her newborn babe Visenya and on her right Daemon. Viserys was on her left, clutching her dress tightly while Aegor stood before them all. The two boys had been close to Aegon and their grief was clear for all to see. Behind the royal family were the members of the Small Council and behind them were the other lords and ladies of the court.

The Septon said his piece from the Seven-Pointed Star before hurriedly moving back, for now, the funeral rites would be performed for him as would be performed for any Targaryen. For Aemma Arryn the rites were performed by her daughter, Princess Rhaenyra who commanded Syrax. For Aegon, it would be his nephew Aegor, who commanded the Bronze Fury Vermithor.

It was a surprise to all, especially Brynden who had not expected it. The egg that was placed in the boy's cot when he was born did not hatch and many had expected the boy to go Dragonless. But to all their surprise, Vermithor had flown to the capital and Aegor had claimed him easily at the age of five. He had not ridden the massive beast yet, but all whispered the same thing. The oldest of Rhaenyra and Daemon might have been the youngest to claim an older Dragon.

Aegor looked back to his mother, who gave him a gentle nod. He looked to his grandfather, who was holding his daughter's hand tightly, with unshed tears in his eyes. The Queen was not as composed, tears spilling freely as she mourned her son. Aegor and Aemond's eyes met for a second before the older boy looked away. Helaena stared at him, giving him a small smile and a nod. The two were grieving as well, but only Helaena was shedding tears.

"Vermithor!" the boy called and the dragon stared him down with his bronze eyes. It still sent shivers down Aegor's spine when he looked into those eyes, but the boy held his ground every time. "Dracarys!"

The Bronze Fury let out a throaty gurgle before opening his mouth and unleashing fire on the pyre. The Queen sobbed, clutching her second son tightly while she saw her eldest turn to ash right before her eyes.


The people were now gathered in the outer yard, making small talk with one another while enjoying a small meal. The royal family was together making small talk, but none of them looked too cheery. The Queen broke away from them after a while, her children away doing whatever they did. She sought out the only person she felt she could be open with, the person that had been there when it all happened.

"My Queen" Lord Brynden greeted her, his companions bowing to her and leaving his company when the Queen came to the man.

"Brynden" the Queen greeted, choking on her words as she did so. The Hand of the King placed his glass down and with a gentle hand on the Queen's arm led her away from the gathering, to a part more secluded and out of the sight of others, an old bench closer to the outer yard walls. "It's all my fault, I should have knocked on the door before entering. If I did he would have-" she sobbed, covering her mouth with her hand.

"The fault is not yours, my Queen. The Prince was... in a precarious position. We wouldn't know if he would have slipped still if you had knocked. Do not blame yourself for it" he said gently. The fault was not hers, it was his. He was the one who had reached into Aegon's mind and made him jump. Did he regret it? Only a little bit. But the regret was because he had to make a mother witness her child's fall to death. He did not regret killing Aegon. Especially since the boy was going down a slippery slope already.

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