Chapter 8

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Aegon's death was followed by Aemond's agony. For three days the boy suffered from his injuries. Sunfyre had not killed him, only burned him badly before walking away when the dragon keepers appeared. Aemond was taken to the Maester immediately who began his treatment of the boy. The commotion had roused the rest of the castle and soon Alicent, Brynden and Helaena were joined by Rhaenyra and her family, and the King. For hours the Maester was with the boy, tending to his wounds and healing as much as possible, while Aemond's screams of agony were heard by everyone from the other side of the door. When the Maester had come out, he only had bad news. He had done everything possible to help, but the burns would not heal and he couldn't be sure if the boy would survive. It was all in the hands of the gods now.

For the three days that Aemond lived after the incident, the boy was reduced to a moaning and groaning mess, mumbling for his mother. He was bandaged from head to toe, living completely on liquids. Half the time he was on the milk of the poppy for the pain and dream wine so he could sleep at night. His sister would come from time to time, her favourite book in her hand. She would read to him till the Maester would have to ask her to leave. His half-sister would come to check on him as well, but unsure about what to say. His father would come to visit but leave after a while of just watching him. Two people though were his constant companions.

His mother would be stuck to his bedside, praying to the Seven for her son's recovery. The Hand of the King would tell him the stories of the Conqueror and his sons, stories of his great grandsire and great-grandmother. He loved listening to the stories of the Kings before his father. It was no secret that he wanted to be King. That was one of the things that Brynden had not tried changing about himself, his ambition and the other being his loyalty to his family. Maybe he should have tried to curb the former, maybe Aemond would not have been in this state if he had. Maybe if he had curbed those ambitious urges, the boy would not be suffering like this. Be it thankfully or regrettably, Aemond Targaryen passed three days after he sustained his injuries.

The funeral much like his brother was performed in the same manner, with Aegor lighting the pyre. The King was not in the outer yard this time, the loss of two sons leaving him to drink his grief away. Princess Rhaenyra was with him, trying to console him and not let him drown himself in wine. Princess Helaena stuck to Brynden, holding onto him as if her life depended on it. The Queen was nowhere to be found.


"The Council meeting will now begin" the King muttered, placing his stone in the designated place. He looked weaker than usual, defeated even as he sat for the Council.

"We have word from Raventree Hall" Brynden muttered, he himself feeling not at all in the best of places, "it is Lord Blackwood's contention, therefore, that the Brackens moved the boundary stones in the dead of night and set their horses to graze in their fields."

"Why was this issue not brought before Lord Grover?" the King asked, his voice laced with annoyance. "Has he grown so feeble he cannot settle a quarrel over rocks?"

"I've heard tale that Lord Grover's son now rules Riverrun in all but name," said Lord Lyonel.

"Well, he is also a Tully," the Hand of the King said, "and this remains a Tully problem. But, knowing how these two houses will look for any excuse to shed blood, this dispute bears looking into. I will have my men peer into this and find a solution."

"Very well" The King grunted. "Anything else that I should know?"

"Uh," Ser Tyland Lannister spoke, the man that had replaced Lord Corlys when the man retired his position to go fight in the Stepstones. "We should address the latest developments in the Step Stones, my lords."

"Will we ever be shut out of that blasted place?" the King muttered darkly under his breath.

"And the Triarchy's new alliance with Dorne" the Master of Ships added.

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