It was an early Monday morning, a groan escaped the young boys lips as his alarm kept ringing, he sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes, he got out of bed and walked into the bathroom that was attached to his bedroom, he looked at himself in the mirror, "Alright, Kim Taehyung, first day at your new school! don't be nervous, you got this.. totally.." he sighed as he began to undress so he could take a shower.
Half an hour passed and he was out of the shower, getting dressed. He chose his best outfit and made sure his hair was all neat, he had to make a good first expression at his new school. He walked downstairs and was greeted by his father who was sitting down at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. He sat down and began eating, not saying a word. He was upset. They moved away from his old home since his parents divorced, he had to leave everything he loved and knew behind.
"Morning, Taehyung." Said his father, he got no response. His dad put down his coffee mug and cleared his throat, "Will you stop with the silent treatment already? You're not a little kid anymore, Kim Taehyung. For gods sake, you're a junior in high school! start acting your age. Be grateful, you'll live a much happier life here than you did back where we used to live!" His father yelled, Taehyung felt his eyes water as he set down his spoon, he lowered his head. "I got to go, bye." And with that he got up and basically bolted out the front door, ignoring his father calling out his name.
He had reached his bus stop and he stood there, waiting. He was the first one, he was there way earlier than he was supposed to be, he sat down at the bench and wiped the tears that were falling down his face, he hated this, he wanted to go back to his old house, he wanted to go back to his old school, he wanted to be with his friends, he wanted his old life back. He kept wiping his tears not realizing that someone had sat next to him. He only realized because they spoke.
"Uhm, excuse me?" Said a soft gentle voice that had a worried tone, he looked up and saw a handsome looking gentleman staring at him with a look full of worry, Taehyung examined him a bit, he had a backpack on, he was probably a student at his school as well. "Yeah?" Taehyung replied, wiping his last few tears away. "Are you okay? I saw you crying and I just-" the males sentence was cut off by Taehyung scoffing, "Mind your business, yeah?" Taehyung replied with an attitude, he wasn't in the mood. "Hey, what's with the attitude? I'm trying to be nice here." The male replied while crossing his arms and frowning a bit which caused Taehyung to giggle, he was cute, Taehyung thought to himself before he responded. "Sorry.. I'm just not in the mood right now, plus, why would I tell a complete stranger the reason I'm crying?"
The male uncrossed his arms and nodded before holding his hand out, waiting for Taehyung to shake it. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, and you are?" Taehyung shook his hand and smiled a bit, "Kim Taehyung." The other male smiled as well before pulling his hand back. "Now we aren't strangers anymore." Taehyung couldn't help but laugh, which caused Jungkook to laugh as well. "Well, Jungkook, let's get to know more than each others names before I dump all my problems onto you, yeah?" Jungkook nodded with a soft smile, "fine by me, Taehyung."
A year later.
Taehyung was up early in the morning, he rushed to get ready and to head straight out the door, he couldn't wait to get to the bus stop. He even skipped breakfast to get there sooner, as he got closer he could see his best friend standing there with his back facing Taehyung. He began to run faster and jumped onto Jungkooks back, causing Jungkook to stumble a bit before he grabbed a hold of Taehyung.
"Yah!! Didn't I tell you not to do that?!" Jungkook yelled as he was still trying to keep his balance, Taehyung giggled softly before jumping off Jungkooks back, ruffling his hair a bit. "But it's fun!" Taehyung said and Jungkook rolled his eyes before he pulled Taehyung into a tight hug. "Missed you, dummy." Jungkook said before pulling away from the hug. "You saw me yesterday." Taehyung responded with as he sat down on the bench, Jungkook taking a seat next to him. "Yeah well, 24 hours away from you is way too long."
Jungkook pinched Taehyungs cheeks before Taehyung slapped his hands away. "Ouch! That hurt, kook!" Taehyung said with a pout, crossing his arms and looking away from the other male. "Oh, did it? Come here, let me kiss it better." Jungkook cupped Taehyungs face and leaned in, kissing his cheek. Taehyung could feel the butterflies in his stomach, his face went red and he began to feel nervous, he only ever got this feeling around Jungkook. Taehyung knew he had feelings for Jungkook but he never wanted to admit to it, Jungkook was the only friend he was able to make at this school and he didn't want to ruin that, he couldn't.
Jungkook pov.
As he let go of Taehyungs face he couldn't help but smile as he saw how flustered the boy got, it made his heart feel full. Truth of the matter is, he had fallen for Taehyung and hard. He just couldn't bring himself to admit to it, he couldn't ruin their beloved friendship. He adored Taehyung more than anything, and just my looking at him he continued to fall even harder. He just wanted to kiss him, hold him, claim him proudly but the fear of rejection and losing him stopped him. He knew though, that eventually he had to tell him.
"Can you believe we graduate this week, kook? I can't believe we made it!" Taehyung said excitedly as he looked over at Jungkook. "I know, it's crazy. I can't believe YOURE graduating." Jungkook said as he laughed, Taehyung playfully hitting his arm, "Oh shut up, I'm way smarter than you are and that's a fact." Taehyung said as he playfully rolled his eyes, Jungkook gasped dramatically and looked offended before replying with, "I can't believe you just said that." Taehyung giggled a bit as he looked at Jungkook, "All jokes, kook. I know you're way smarter than I am." Jungkook smiled, "Damn right I am." Taehyung rolled his eyes and the two laughed together, nothing had ever felt this amazing for the both of them.
Two months later.
The two males had graduated two months ago and now they were both leaving for college, luckily, the applied to the same college and were both accepted into it. These two had been inseparable during the summer and their love for each other only began to grow stronger. They fell in love with each other more at each interaction they had.
Today was the day they were going to be moving into a shared apartment they got. The two were there early, getting their stuff in, they both didn't have much but they agreed to go furniture shopping later that day. Taehyung was laying down on the mattress in his room, scrolling through his phone before he heard a knock on the door. Jungkook walked in and laid down next to Taehyung. "Hey, Tae?" Jungkook asked as he watched Taehyung put his phone down and turn to look at him, "yeah?" Taehyung replied, making direct eye contact with Jungkook. "Well, i was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go get some coffee with me? before we go furniture shopping and stuff." Jungkook said with a soft smile, Taehyung smiled back and nodded, "I'd love that."
Taehyung hopped off his bed and grabbed his jacket, he put it on and smiled at Jungkook. "Ready to go?" He asked, Jungkook nodding in response.

Jealousy. || TK FF
أدب الهواةTwo boys who are madly in love and been in a happily yet unhealthy relationship for two years till, a new student, soobin moves to the university grabbing taehyung's attention making him feel things he shouldn't be feeling and jungkook notices.. Is...